

2021-05-04 JoinedGlobal

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  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359121 minutes ago

    thats a big whoopsie on starks part dude should have confirmed if Domeric was even available at that time πŸ˜‚

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_35916 hours ago
    Replied to Daoist920010

    not literally dude a ghost as in he doesnt exist in any database to prove that he exists πŸ˜‚

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359116 hours ago

    hope Ben makes a magi tech gun like megaminds De-Gun The De-Gun is a weapon Megamind invented as a kid which he usually uses to dehydrate things (It also has the commands: Decompress, Debilitate, Demoralize, Decoupage, Deregulate, Death Ray, and Destroy). so ben wont need to think about anything when casting dude could just point and shoot while he makes his finisher spell with another hand maybe he could even make it into a mechashift weapon? like maybe the magic De-gun could mechashift straight into a variable length lightaber (its mono molecular edge light blade can lengthen like Ichimaru gins shinsō) or a light shield in a pinch maybe even have the shield have a reflective property to reflect back spells like hes kratos oooh and he could make it have a return function and unworthy enchantment like Mjolnir and maybe a feature like Yondus yaka arrow when he throws it in sword form then he could make it have the sentience of a loyal house elf so it could float around him and shoot enemies while ben does his bussiness it would be super awesome

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359117 hours ago
    Replied to TheWeebPrince

    their cousins??? dunno if they were even that close πŸ˜‚ plus i dont think Serious would have even waited that long to get his little brothers body back to be propperly burried

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359118 hours ago

    battle through the heavens xiao mei?! give me more anime worlds dangit it would be amazing if kizaru could buy an asauchi from aizen or kisuke if its kisuke kizaru could probably yoink the hogyoku from aizen with his light speed

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359121 hours ago

    when hiruzen is dead hed have the green light to kill danzo, the extra elders and root konoha would truly be free for him to shape with tsunades backing πŸ˜‚ dude could make his own clan of blacksmiths that specialize on taijutsu, forging and arms dealing πŸ˜‚ maybe make the gotei 13 by transforming the ninja village self sustaining city of capitalism im sure he could open a medicinal company with his crafting skills maaaaybe raid a few currupt nobles around the elemental nations πŸ˜‚ for seeding money for his plans dude needs to make adequate anti air defense and underground evac bunkers around konoha to survive pain flying over to nuke the village πŸ˜‚ also, wont sasoris soul flutter inside his puppet core when he sees the MCs fully sentient pupppets? πŸ˜‚

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_3591a day ago

    Jeanne is too bright for this world πŸ˜‚ I really hope her armor and thors merge when she goes into battle mode maybe she could even command the heavens to strike down her enemies with Holy Lightning i cant wait for her to Smite her enemies with holy thunder clouds while her flag protects her new family πŸ˜‚

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_3591a day ago

    i just hope the dude uses his anchor more in combat maybe even wear admiral clothes like garp so its not so out of place plus he could go all yakuza on his criminals with pokemon dinos he could have fodder nidokings, tank tyrantrums and scout/air support aerodactyls with frost fire they could capture criminals no problem lol dude could just chill in a high building waiting for stronger villains to fight maybe mei could even make a goblin glider so hikari could conserve on energy and maybe he could have a guren lagan visor connected to his dinos cameras to see what they see his dino control would be even better if he could get queen administrator from the gacha πŸ˜‚

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_35912 days ago

    its the symbol of Promised victory!