

2021-05-04 JoinedGlobal

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  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359126 minutes ago

    would be awesome if pikachu could use lightning armor to do electro magnetic tackles and dodges maybe even use his tail like a scythe when he runs past like a lariat oooh and use the golden sand as sandstorm that can shred meat from bone and obscure pikachus movements for some silent killing techniques like mini raikiris and lariats they could make a health bar for how much punishment the pokemons could take too so they wont get destroyed

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_3591an hour ago

    it doesnt seem that you use AI that heavely lol dunno what theyre talking about lol you just use it for grammar and spelling checks from what i read although some parts of paragraphs are a bit predictable sometimes like when characters express their determination and the like all the time lol great job so far dude

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_35916 hours ago

    omg, the chinese author fuzed big daddy from kick ass and johnny blaze from ghost rider, thats fuckin amazing and hilarious cuz they were both luke cageπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359116 hours ago

    i know it but i havent watched it sorry i just know the meme lol

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359120 hours ago

    yeah, the talk was good i dont really see batman going all moral high ground on people too since some of the JL kill people too green arrow, Diana and the military background heroes like Captain atom and i dont see Batman reprimanding wonderwoman on killing her enemies his no killing humans rule (cuz he was pretty fine with killing parademons, actual demons or aliens) is more of his own personal choice and restriction on himself although i wish Samael could make batman use his civilian identity to make the death penalty okay for people like joker in gotham and maybe have batman be okay with killing some people or at least permanently crippling people from the eyes down with maybe undetectable poison or something else cuz rules are just words and people are alive and gotham is being made into a playground by the court of owls and i dont think theyd stay in jail with the kind of money and influence they have so ma boi batman is just being a bandaid on an infection πŸ˜‚ treating symptoms and not the root causes would be good character development for batman if samael ever goes into gotham for whatever reason maybe visiting Zatanas house for magic training? i dunno ALSO when is samael and danny going to have a breather from everything to train their CQC and ghost powers? would be pretty awesome if their mom taught them her martial arts and maybe use their fenton smarts for inventing stuff Samael, a civilian Ghost hunter son needs a good ghost hunting weapon as a cover for his skull crushing strength lol dude can only beat up ghosts with his bare hands for so long before people get reaaaal sus about his strength lol maybe an ecto bracelets that turn into shotgun cestuses for his fists? looking a lot like Yangs Ember celica from RWBY but instead of shotgun shells its scattershot or slugged electric ecto balls and maybe sticky capture foam so people could just see Samael as a prepared ghost hunters child maybe danny could get some electric ghost catching bolas that could tie up and stun ghosts cuz its kinda weird how only jaz has power armor lol

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_359121 hours ago

    hes getting a loooot of visitors lol also, why cant he just get the money?

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_3591a day ago

    heck yeah, Eidolon's worthy πŸ˜‚ i can already see them playing pong with malekieth as the ball πŸ˜‚ that move with the Axe and hammer was amazing tho Hope Eidolon keeps the reality stone for himself maybe even commision the dwarves to make an infinity Necklace to mask its energy and stuff like the Eye of Agamotto this could be Eidolons "Omni-Pendant" or maybe he could have it as a Circlet? that would be awesome too would be a cool new addition to his super suit would be hilarious if Eidolon consulted Edna mode for the design the spesifics of his new Infinity jewelry

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_3591a day ago

    prime melinda! hope she wore her more fitted clothes πŸ˜‚ i imagine she prepared her old style to be worn again since she was regaining her youth

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_3591a day ago

    would be awesome if Sam made energy shields like the ones from Dune for the Ultimates it would be fine if it isnt full body coverage tho just the head,torso and groin would be fine if earth tech cant be made that way limbs can be reattached or be replaced with cyber enhancements if it comes down to it and maybe fisk could sell the fixed energy shield tech to the military for their bases and aircraft carriers ones needing the bigger arc reactor to power itself without bankrupting and guzzle all of americas oil reserves

  • Matthew_Dominic_3591
    Matthew_Dominic_3591a day ago

    hope the more Samael eats hostile ghosts the more he gets a hang of his ghost powers since it isnt as overshadowed by his hulk transformation energies anymore hope they dont leave spectras butller alone tho would be pretty bad if other ghosts knew that Hulk could eat other ghosts might try to hunt him down or something but i kinda hope he eats technus shadowmancy is great and all but techmancy is waaaaaay cooler since technus could also kinda upgrade technology hes fused with and it would be doubly awesome if Samael can also sift through their memories and skills like a first person movie that you could also feel that hed need to analize and study to use their skills and powers as good as they did and maybe come up with more applications like a shadow inventory, shadow pocket dimension (kinda like obitos kamui space) and maybe Samael could make shadowKhan from jackie chan adventure cartoon that would be pretty awesome maybe mold the darkness into a shadow knight and breath life into it like the shadowkhan from that jackie chan cartoon and grimm from RWBY dude just needs imagination and enough ecto energy which is kinda infinite with his anger