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  • Solome_Aticia

    same here

    Ch 13 CHAPTER 12
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    shame he was missing her

    It's raining as Joshua stares out the window, never heard anything from winter for the whole week where is she he thinks to himself. Staring out the window into the flooded road as it is pouring outside he stands up looking at his phone it's Tuesday afternoon and his gut is telling him something is wrong as he then puts on his leather jacket with his black Jean and sneakers. Opening the Gate he walks up the road to the doorstep and knocks on the door it's closed everything as, as it's raining knocks again harder. Still, no answer as he goes to the side of the window sneaking in but sees no movement.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    DD by diamond Author

    Getting into the ddiamond black Mercedes with a personal driver they exit this huge gates exit, driving down Haifa Street runs through a majority-Sunni area, although there is an area of Shi'ite-dominated neighborhoods to the west, making the Haifa Street area a sectarian fault line between Shi'ite and Sunni neighborhoods. Reaching into the city Larry notices the tables of fruit and vegetables on both sides as cows walk openly in the street where the is carts driving around. "bijanib Tariq"says Dominion to the driver as the driver pulls over and they climb out and walk over to the alley recognizing one of Lucifer's guys. Approaching them he can't help to notice two guys on the rooftop with rifles as if they were guarding these guys.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    I know nothing about guns but this gun sounds dangerous

    Dominion replies "Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh"As they shake hands. The old man then says "yrja alaindimam 'iilayna litanawul all iftar "Please join us for breakfast as Dominion replies in Arabic. nahn naqbal eardak Allah yunir hayatik"We accept your offer may Allah shine light upon you as they walk towards the table, and prepare to eat this huge breakfast prepared for them. Roast lamb, Oruk (Baked Icli Kofte) from Turkey, Tagine, Biryani, Nalli Nihari as they sit around the table eating as there are two guys by the doorway standing with M16A2 rifles dressed in thawb as they were done eating, Larry and Dominion stands up and prepares for the day ahead, Dominion and Larry arming themselves with Beretta 92FS.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    it like watching a Saudi Arabia movie🤣

    Walking down the staircase, Larry and Dominion are now fully dressed in blue pandora as they reached the bottom of the staircase there was a group of Arabs. This grey beard Arab guy approaches them, As Larry smiles pretending to be deaf saying "Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh"May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you. "Ahlan wa sahlan"How are all you wonderful people? I trust I am finding you enjoying this lovely day wherever you are.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    never judge a book by it's cover mam

    Confused she says but Lucifer does not hire anyone unless he knows you have been for years in the drug industry why will he suddenly hire you.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    🤣his wife thought he won the lotto

    Larry all dressed up with light skin and light brown eyes short hair pulls up by the house in his Mercedes brings a suitcase full of money to the house well over one million dollars approaches his wife kisses her an holds her, his wife surprised to see him home early looks at him in astonishment and speechless uttering the words honey is this you as she touches his face with a new scent of must cologne what happens to Larry she Jokes. He smiles I decided I need a new change, Oh great are you now a detective I knew you will get that job.No love he says I was fired. What happened don't tell me you emptied your account to buy this.No honey I was fired because of the raid of Lucifer,s house? What Lucifer the most feared Ruthless drug lord everyone knows not to mess with? Yes honey as she becomes scared, honey we should move to my mom's he will be coming after us. Relax says Larry I am now working for Lucifer he saw honor in me and he stands for honor.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    mistake in this paragraph but I love how humble Lucifer is

    But sir who is Christopher says, Larry. Lucifer says ask Jerry the questions he will tell what's expected of you. Jim get this man up and get him ten suits a get him a Mercedes diamond black also has his hair cut a decent shave.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    Lucifer came to his rescue😍

    A deep voice then says what was this stupid thing you did Larry. Surprised to hear the gentleman know his name he then wipes his eyes an see this tall gentleman in a suit staring down at him with his hat in his hand beside the rolls Royce"it's Lucifer Larry eyes widens as he sees lucifer standing there in a red suit"are you hear to kill me, no says Lucifer. I was going to have your head by tomorrow morning with your wife's head and your children's heads"But me you see me I am a businessman you no use to me dead. You will be replacing Christopher and your salary will be five times more than what you got doing a boring job. You see this city I own this country I own the world I own and I decide who lives and who dies.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    😔I know that feeling

    He then stands on the ledge thinking of his family his life is over as the Kingpin owns most of the businesses in the and no one will employ him and he also knows the mere fact that his breathing his family will be endangered as he spreads his area breathing deeply in. As he feels someone from the back grabbing him and pulling him down to the ground as falls on his back as everything is blur he hears a deep voice saying why you doing this? Still unable to see who this person is, he says I lost my job by making the biggest mistake of my life now because of that stupid mistake I now can not provide for my family as he.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    this chapter is very intense

    Ch 10 CHAPTER 9
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    I don't think this officer knew who he was messing with

    Joshua runs to the room to get rid of the drugs in the room he runs to the bathroom and throws the cocaine down the sink in the bathroom as the cops can see him running to the bathroom they kick the door as his baby brother starts crying and his mom is hysterical what the Fuck is going on as Joshua rinses the cocaine down the sink as they trap the door in there is four cops with big rifles an as he has less than a second to do with the packet in his hand as he put it under the broken tile in the bathroom shining the torch on Joshua's hands up" Joshua puts his hands up" as they tell him to lay flat on the cold tiles hands on your head flat down! says the officer spread your legs i "as Joshua moves he the officer says I said don't fucken move! you move when I tell you to move should you do otherwise and you get shot at it will be treated as an act of defense Stay down! Ok, officer Joshua. As he lays on the ground, why did you run when you saw us by the door as the officer got his foot on Joshua pointing the rifle to his head" Joshua is a fast thinker as he answers" officer I thought it was burglars I ran back to get my dads gun" officer in distress Sir where is the gun the officer demands. in the Bathroom officer there is a safe above the cabinet as the officer then checks out the safe and finds the gun. Bagging it saying your dad can come to collect it at the station with his firearm license, The mother in distress as Joshua brother is crying loud now in fear of what's going on as his mother is swearing at them for breaking down the door. I will have your bloody badges for the damages you caused! My fucken son is crying he has cerebral palsy and you guys now caused him to get turn blue now I must have him the whole night on the Nebulizer to give him oxygen. About Rowan, because he has cerebral palsy the
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    nice nightcap

    He then goes down to his house and goes to the freezer putting his fist in the ice as he then goes to the fridge and takes out a beer. Going to his room he puts on his headphones as he drinks his beer.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    I know that feeling the nervousness and intensity

    Walking hand in hand with Winter they decide to visit the movie with her as Joshua's heart still beats fast like the first day they met walking through the mall Joshua is wearing a pair of Nikes leather jacket and blue Jean with a white t-shirt, Winter is wearing a tightly fitted black. the dress above her knees with a pair of Gucci high heels. Her hair perfectly falls over her shoulder as she walks up confidently and straight getting popcorn they enter the movies and watch a comedy holding hands as he brings his hands to his lips and kisses it. She then turns to him and as she kisses him gently, his heart is racing as he enjoys every moment of her next to him as they watch the movie eating popcorn she lays in his arms. By the way, my love who was that guy that was with you the first time I saw you? oh, that's friend Shannon he's an artist. Why? Playing dumb I was just curious. She laughs and she has the most beautiful smile. Hey after this can I introduce you to my friends, sure anything to keep that smile on your face. Walking to the parking lot there's a goldish BMW with a few drunk walking pass them they grab Winer by shoulder "hey sexy make me you're man" the one guy says laughing with his friends Joshua keeps on walking holding her hand as the guy runs behind her an grabs her on her ass, his friends all laughing as Winter becomes annoyed she turns a shouts you fucken imbeciles touch on me one more time you will regret it as four guys close in on them, Winter stares at them you have no idea who you messing with, the one guy pulls out a knife as the others say your boyfriend dies tonight. As they all start laughing. Joshua shakes his head thinking of the big mess he made the previous night with his dad and her brother does he need to send another four-six feet under because of their arrogance and stupidity when they are drunk.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    I wish she could touch my hand😁

    Your sister has the ability to put happiness in anyone by just a touch of her hand.Your daughter is the opposite she feeds on unhappiness which is why you want to remove that baby from Martha and not let it be born Joshua now stands up and walks out of the circle.Its odd that she never told me.That day your sister woke you up because of the intruders in the house she was protecting you she discovered her powers while you had those two reapers beside you she witnessed it and she made everything disappear the moment you mom and dad entered the house.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    Chloe now takes Joshua's hand

    Why are we here.Chloe no takes his hand I want to show you something Joshua follows her inside chloe has long black hair silky very light in complexion and has a atheletic body.She is wearing a torn black Jean and leather Jacket with black boots.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    author it's not you it's your🙂

    So you could see that stuff?Yes I see ghost all the time.So you power is that you have premonitions?And you able to have these reapers appear beside you?Yes says Chloe.But everytime they beside like now it sucks every bit of happiness out of me.Like oy negative thoughts comes to mind.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    😍😍😍this book just get more and more better

    How is that possible?Your sister is keeping a secret from everyone, she is more than just good with guns and fast she is called the protector.She is protected by angels and she has the ability to heal.That say Martha was by your house it was not only your blood that healed her it was Tiffany.With Tiffany, s ability to heal your daughter will see her as a great threat but Tiffany will be fine she is more than just a protector she can take life as easily as she gives life.Are you sure about all this?Yes Joshua she has not told you because she was scared of how you might react , How do you think you survived all the time?She can protect you even at the distance you are right now.Chloe now sits up that was wise of you to put Salt it keeps demons out but your sister she can still enter the circle.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    😍😍😍this book just get more and more better

    How is that possible?Your sister is keeping a secret from everyone, she is more than just good with guns and fast she is called the protector.She is protected by angels and she has the ability to heal.That say Martha was by your house it was not only your blood that healed her it was Tiffany.With Tiffany, s ability to heal your daughter will see her as a great threat but Tiffany will be fine she is more than just a protector she can take life as easily as she gives life.Are you sure about all this?Yes Joshua she has not told you because she was scared of how you might react , How do you think you survived all the time?She can protect you even at the distance you are right now.Chloe now sits up that was wise of you to put Salt it keeps demons out but your sister she can still enter the circle.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za
  • Solome_Aticia

    I love the whole idea of how Tiffany is the one to bring light to there darkness

    Your sister has the ability to put happiness in anyone by just a touch of her hand.Your daughter is the opposite she feeds on unhappiness which is why you want to remove that baby from Martha and not let it be born Joshua now stands up and walks out of the circle.Its odd that she never told me.That day your sister woke you up because of the intruders in the house she was protecting you she discovered her powers while you had those two reapers beside you she witnessed it and she made everything disappear the moment you mom and dad entered the house.
    Dark Honor
    Fantasy · Legacy_za