Nightwing: Blüdhaven's optimism!
Complete work of Fan-fiction.
Dick Grayson grew up with his family as a traveling circus acrobat until tragedy struck, since then one thing's been consistent in his life besides daring stunts: He's always evolving and moving on. He was a sidekick and a student, he became a team member and a leader, now he's stepping to something more...
Dick Grayson/Robin: the Boy wonder now Nightwing: The former Leader of the Teen Titans decides to give his role to the next-in-line to venture off alone to the city of Blüdhaven to free it from the hold of corruption and iniquities that the criminal emperor Blockbuster has on it.
Dick Grayson comes filled with the energy, dedication and his own training that's in a different class itself but he knows that he's not at all a perfect hero like the three men who mentored him through out his youth were and unexpectedly teams up with a legendary Justice society has-been and a reformed thief turned brother-like pal. Together, they'll have to tear down a criminal monarchy that's so tight and loyal it's like facing one is facing them all, and they're without superpowers of their own.
This is all a rough draft of how a fan would like a Nightwing solo series...
Some Chapters are Titled by certain songs that fit?
Artryeh · Anime & Comics