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When is the next update author?
Sorry I don’t know anyone personally I could recommend. Is there anyway before you release your next chapte, you can release an “author’s section” that is not locked but available for everyone to read and you can tell the readers that you are looking for an editor and would like some recommendations. That way the readers know that you are at least looking for an editor and maybe able to help!
Author, When will you get this story properly translated? The story and the characters are great but the translation is unbearable. Please!
I’m sorry author but I don’t know where this story is headed anymore. I don’t really like any of the characters, the female lead is pathetic, a stalker and manipulative, the male lead is trash. The only decent character is Joshua and I feel really bad for him. I don’t think I will be continuing this story. Thanks
When I tell you this is next level for dragging a scene😫lol
I know I’ m so scared that she will be like every other female leads but hoping for the best🤞
I honestly feel bad for Rizzie. She’s gonna end up with a rapist most likely and here is Jason the best man so far. She missed out!
Oh my gosh if he’s actually the ml and she goes back to him, I will have no words. like she better not flr real!!
Yeah but I’m getting really fed up with them, he needs to move out asap!🙄
Like for real. Getting so annoyed😒 !!