

2021-04-22 JoinedGlobal

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  • Daoist5OtwbB

    is any of Alicents kids going to be Daerons?? not gonna lie that would be hilarious.

    While I spoke, she started caressing my cheek while staring at my eyes with a deep lust. And something within me snapped, all the memories of me, Rhaenyra, and Alicent making out and doing naughty stuff in the forest all came flooding back. I pushed my lips harshly against hers while my other hand snaked around her hips and pulled hers close to mine while feeling my breeches tighten a lot. 
    House of the dragon: The Dragon King
    TV · Shinmon_Dagger
  • Daoist5OtwbB
    Replied to Nathan_Just

    They have a game sort of like chess it's called cyvasse.

    Work around the city was going on as usual, people were doing their jobs but was once in a will some issues between the family soldiers and the freed slave solider mostly because of the existing prejudices of slaves, one thing is clear it will take a long time to change the mind set of people. These men were ready to fight and were full of seed so the fight will begin in a year or 2 . Aegor made sure to let his family soldiers know that they do not start trouble among ranks or they would face harsh punishment for insubordination. He used his dragons to drive the point and all of them understood he did the same with the slave soliders as well. Fear alone could not keep them at bay so he all ensured that some former pleasure slaves were brought so that the men could have some entertainment. He made sure to free them and offer them security so that no one would ill treat if they did they would be dragon food.
    Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord
    TV · Ash_born01
  • Daoist5OtwbB

    👏👏 yes!!!! glad he is smart!! steal everything before it all burns!!

    And to make sure to find out all the blind spots of security in this place and city so he can steal all the books, artifacts and documents months before the doom turns it all to ash.
    Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord
    TV · Ash_born01
  • Daoist5OtwbB
    Replied to CustomFireblast

    yeah but it does take time to build a outpost. have it up and running by the time the doom happens.

    And that is about everything he could gather from the memories of Aegor Vaelyreos. So far things seem good. He is in a good position and if plays it right he could make his house the most richest and powerful house in the world. So first thing is first he would need to get his family on board with his plan or else everything would be in vain and then find a way to preserve all of the knowledge, magic and dragons so that he would have all the tools needed to build his new kingdom and also face the long night, manage to get sizable population to file this continent, convince the council of the freeholders to let our family to setup an outpost and to run it and finally ensure that we make sure that me have managed to suck out as much resources as we can before exiting. So now it was evening and his parents had visited him again and they all set out to have dinner in the great hall. On his way to the hall Aegor was admiring the whole castle and was enchanted by the carvings, paints and way the building was structured using magic to shape the stones. Once they reached all the family members were gathered in hall his uncles and aunts all enquired about him and then began to have dinner and conversations with each other about the current state of affairs in the freehold about any rebellions they squashed and other stuff. After some time Aegor asked his father " Father when will I be able to get my own dragon I really want to fly." hoping it would be soon. Then his mother asked " Are you sure son you just fell yesterday?" in a worried tone. "Come on Caleris the boy needs to have a dragon or else he will never be able to be a dragonrider." said his father trying to put his wife at ease. After that he asked his son" Okay son what would you prefer, a hatch one or a grown one." after some through he replied "a grown one" he knew it would be lot of fun to hatch a new and develop a bond with but he did not have the time and energy required to deal with a hatchling so it would be wiser to get an already and mature one so that he could start riding soon. So after hearing his son's responses Jaelor Vaelyreos decided that his bonding ceremony would be done in 6 days time, which was good for him since it would give him time to do other things like explore the territory his family roles over and start gathering information on his situation.
    Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord
    TV · Ash_born01
  • Daoist5OtwbB

    really like this concept! can't wait to see how having more valyrians will change things. Hope you are doing well and update soon!

    Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord
    TV · Ash_born01
  • Daoist5OtwbB
    Replied to Ash_born01

    got it!! thank you!!

    Family Sigil: A golden three headed dragon on a black field.
    Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord
    TV · Ash_born01
  • Daoist5OtwbB

    I thought that the valrian freehold didn't use heraldry. so no banners or anything. the targaryens made there own after they started the conquest of westeros to show that they were adapting to there new subjects. don't mind it just curious if all the other houses have a sigil to??

    Family Sigil: A golden three headed dragon on a black field.
    Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord
    TV · Ash_born01
  • Daoist5OtwbB

    I thought it's implied that she preferred women???

    5. Jeyne Arryn
    In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold
    TV · FroasT_King
  • Daoist5OtwbB

    nooooooo!! please no!!! 🙏

    3. Alicent (Not sure.Might remove her later)
    In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold
    TV · FroasT_King