

2021-04-17 JoinedUnited States

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  • Miranda_Eagle

    I do not think this is a good idea, they are showing their cards to these people too soon, when they arent even sure if they can be trusted. Those abilities would have been more useful as a surprise if these warlocks end up working with Edmond instead of against him....

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    "blend in" maybe a camouflage ability? lol

    "Carter." I smiled at my closest confidant and coconspirator from my childhood. "You are my brother, there was never any doubt. We were as thick as thieves when we were kids. Whenever I did something you were always there with me. You helped me, guided me, and protected me. Without you I never would have been able to be a part of the world, to blend in with those around me."
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    the word electricity stands out to me is that a foreshadow at his power she is giving him🤔

    "Shane, you're quick with humor as well as your actions. Nothing and no one is beyond your limits, that's both brave and reckless. But that electricity in your eyes is something worth preserving and using. You're strong, never forget that."
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    awe that is the song my dad danced with my sister to for their father/daughter dance at her wedding. so sweet

    The song 'I Loved Her First' by Heartland began playing. I didn't know if the song had any special meaning to Grandfather, but I knew it was perfect to play here, because my grandfather had loved me before I was born. And aside from Dad, who then was just going to be an uncle, Grandfather was the first father figure who loved me. I knew now that he was strict only to keep me safe my whole life, and for that I would be eternally grateful. And as the song played on, I saw the love in his eyes glistening with the tears he could no longer hold back.
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    Is Reece going to give the black moon pack to Carter maybe?

    "That'd be great." He smiled at me before the car that carried Noah and Carter got back.
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    I love this! but I do find it a little strange that a Werewolf can mate with a Vampire. I guess it did happen in Twilight with Jacob and Renesmee but she was half human also. It's interesting for sure!

    Ch 147 Chapter 22- Trinity- Dietrich’s Arrival Brings An Unexpected Twist (VOLUME 2)
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    I'm very worried,things are going to good and this vampire coming to town is bad news. I don't think it will go as well as they hope...

    Ch 145 Chapter 20- Reece-Telling Little Bunny’s Family (VOLUME 2)
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    what if the King had planned for those men to attack Hazel at some point and kill her so his sister could be Lucians one and only wife

    "Excuse me?" Lucian said unsure of what Rasmus meant. Why would a king want his sister to become a second wife when she was a princess.
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Miranda_Eagle

    I have never had to pay any money. you can get up to 3 or 4 fast passes a day doing the daily challenges.... by voting with a power stone and using an energy vote in the voting pool and you get one for daily check in plus 1 for the bonus ad video. and then when you earn atleast 2000 points you can use the points to by 1 fast pass a week in the app store without spending real money. I get to read atleast 3 to 4 chapters a day and sometimes that's all I have time for anyway. I think it's worth it when the book is good enough.

    1. You can get a Fast Pass by check-in daily and by voting. But Fast Pass is limited daily, so you will have to wait to get more Fast Passes. The Fast Pass will unlock the chapter 
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Miranda_Eagle
    Replied to Jessica_Lewis_5501

    I dont think the concept of time is mentioned enough in the story for it to make much sense. I think it has been longer than that now.

    "There are.. no scars. No scars on your back," I breathed in shock, "How?"
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Miranda_Eagle
    Replied to Devi_Knight

    mine too! 😊

    "I am commander Lincoln, please let me escort you back, my lady. It's not safe for you to be here."
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Miranda_Eagle

    They mentioned him having powers earlier like telekinesis and lighting his brothers clothes on fire with his mind. he says his father hates him. I believe that the idea of him being the devil's son is the fact that his family has disowned him for being different and they think because he has power, that he is evil and must have been birthed by someone else instead of the King

    "You must have heard the rumor about our brother, about him being the son of the devil. What do you think about that?" he asked, cruel mirth clear in his tone. I could see Lucian clenching his fists under the table.
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Miranda_Eagle

    it would be nice to have more of a description of the king during this part and how he reacted while greeting her...

    All princes and their first wives were invited to have dinner with the king. When we arrived, the king welcomed us and we greeted him in turn; then we greeted one another amongst ourselves. While the princes chatted and laughed (except Lucian), the princesses just glared at each other. There was some kind of hostility between them.
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Miranda_Eagle

    love it! my brothers name is Levi. I dont come across that name very often.

    "I am Prince Pierre's son. My name is Levi, My lady." I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. "I am looking for uncle Lucian." He called him by his first name. They must be very close I thought.
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Miranda_Eagle

    It is super sweet but I could not have been able to just fall back to sleep if I were her not with that guy still being a stranger lol

    Eventually, as I lay in his arms, my heartbeat returned to a steady rhythm and I fell asleep once again.
    Married to the Devil's Son
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Miranda_Eagle
    Replied to Ronabhie_0814


    Ch 141 Chapter 16- Reece- Dietrich (VOLUME 2)
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    I'm having a feeling since this time was more special and in wolf form that this will be the time that gets her pregnant!

    Ch 139 Chapter 14- Trinity-A Wolf Mating (Mature Rating)((VOLUME 2))
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    I dont understand why she needs restricted anymore now that she has awaken her magic and wolf. she should be powerful enough to help out more

    With the investigation in full swing, and knowing that my father was behind it all, I was once again on a restriction. That sucked the most. I had just gotten off the restriction and now I was back to needing to be guarded around the clock.
    Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
    Fantasy · Deni_Chance
  • Miranda_Eagle

    I just can't believe Trish died, there was so much potential for the things she could of had in life all taken away in the blink of an eye. I'm so sad for Tobias. I loved his character so much, cant wait to read His Heir now

    Ch 45 "We found him, Tobias."
    Teen · Sakz
  • Miranda_Eagle
    Replied to zainab_fadeyi

    well Emily got pregnant with Ruby at 17 according to previous mentions in the other books and considering the book started right when she was about to have Ruby, I believe they are probably only 18 and I think Trish's dad said earlier something about her being his "eighteen year old daughter"

    Ch 33 Moving day.
    Teen · Sakz