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My Perfect Dream

"I know Dad, I know I'll be the heiress of Bridget Group but...but did you ever care for what I wanted", she stated gesturing out her frustration. "Why do you care more about those boys than your company. They don't even know about your existence!!", her father pointed out walking over the couch. "Dad, you d-don't know them then why are you saying all these. I love them, my love for them is more than.......Dad please give me a month, I just need a month to breath, to get to understand my feelings, to think. Dad after a month of trying to g-get over them I will gladly come back to take over", she said with teary eyes in a pleading tone. Kaylee Bridget is known for her beauty, compassion, golden heart, kindness, bravery, stands up against injustice, willingness, and being loved by everyone around her, what so ever name it all. She is the one and only heiress to Bridget Group which comprises of different aspects of business line - Shipping, Fashion, Airports and so on. She has been pampered and given all what her heart desires her whole life except for a thing. Get on the ride and find out what makes the Princess of Bridget Group unhappy ???? _________________________________________ "You stupid girl, you're just like those crazy fans who stalks their idol every single minute" "Yes, now you have nothing to say. I'm deeply disgusted" "Can you like close your mouth, you're drooling stupid" "Tsk, you silly fan. I don't need to explain myself to you. You're not really important stupid girl" "I'm super sure she did something wrong that's why she doesn't have an ambition for her life" *** "CAN YOU JUST STOP IT. STOP IT, I'M FED UP. YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU DON'T ACT LIKE THIS TO YOUR 'BELOVED' FANS SO WHY AM I SO DIFFERENT. IT'S NOT LIKE I'VE MET YOU BEFORE TO GAIN THESE AMOUNT OF HATRED FROM YOU". Jayden Terrence is An Australian and Worldwide Idol, a perfectionist with great looks. He is currently in a boy band called 'TLK' meaning The Last Knights. The band are currently facing an issue with songwriting, deciding for the best to take a break from music. On their smoothly perfect and full proof planned vacation, he encountered TLK's greatest fan who only loved them as a Fan would do but for no ultimate reason he despise her presence. Or are these all a facade to cover up his real and buried feelings. His past have been haunting for quite some time, is it time for all secret to come out of the closet. Who will finally help the group to overcome their problem and Jayden's uncleared past ?????. Let's find out more about the Romance between A Idol and His Fan. Secret will be exposed, who is willing to jump into ride to 'MY PERFECT DREAM'. Author's Note. This story should not be stolen or rewritten and to clarify, I may be a baby writer but I'm here to write my imagination away ~. Love

Kailee_Praise · Teen
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26 Chs