20-year-old guy who likes writing stories and having people read them.
of reading
Read books
No, there's a difference between threatening him and telling him what will happen. Threatening implies he'd have something to do with what would happen which isn't the case.
When the king committed his crimes (killing people via fire) he was surrounded by dozens of Knights. Jaime could have killed him, yes, but then he'd be cut down shortly afterward. He put his own life in front of his morality and there's nothing wrong with that. Ned's only the way he is because he didn't get to kill Aerys himself. It's been theorized that that's the only reason he hates Jaime - because Jaime killed the man who killed Ned's father and brother when he wanted to do the final deed. But that's just some headcanon I chose to believe, honestly. All I'm saying is that Jaime isn't that bad. There's worse things he could've done. Sitting by the side and watching on as those crimes were committed to save his own skin is something that hundreds of different men did. Yet Ned Stark doesn't hate them with a passion. It's also just pointed directly at him because he's a Lannister, I think. Ned's hatred of his Jaime is incredibly unfair.
It'll follow the same plot as season one, yeah. She wasn't happy (because it was a forced marriage, so of course she wouldn't be happy) but she did learn to love Khal Drogo in her own way after a little while. Plus, there's not much I can do over in Essos for now - it's best to focus on Westeros and Tommen for a little while before showing Daenerys' POV.
Tommen would agree with you. Alas, he has his duties and Sansa isn't his wife just yet.
What he meant by that is immediate trouble. Like as soon as Robert dies, Renly and Stannis are gonna be on King's Landing like a mystery rash on a prostitute.
I try for a chapter a day unless I have something to do in real life that stops me.
If that's reaching on my part, it's being nitpicky on his/hers. Out of all the things to care about in a book (grammar, characters, world building), they chose to care about the ages of the characters? It's just weirdly suspicious, is all.
I'm kinda just writing what I'd wanna see in a fanfic and people seem to like it lol. But seriously, I don't know what exactly I'm doing right. I'm just trying my damnedest to write a good fanfic. Thanks for the compliments, though. They really mean a lot to me as a writer! :)
What do you mean by that? Is he going to treat women with respect? Sure. Is he going to bend over backwards for a woman who doesn't care about him? No. It all depends on what you mean by 'simp'.
Daenerys would hate him and wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. If she did, it'd only be to get close enough to him that she could poison him or stab him while he slept. His supposed father is Robert Baratheon the Usurper who killed her older brother and forced her family to flee Westeros, while his real father is Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer who stabbed her father through the back. He's the quintessential child of everyone who played a part in her losing her right to the Iron Throne (Robert, Tywin, Jaime). Not going to happen, basically.