Had read millennial stories ( just kidding ), Now want to pour down my thoughts and imagination.
of reading
Read books
Maybe kali, in hindu mythology he is said to embodiment of evil, could have been influence harry to cause chaos in this reality.
Nice new cover, is it for vampire chick. Why does our dear azzy goes after messed up girls
what was end goal of inder.
that will literally fuc**d up the Avatar timeline.
is this the fragments of memory of his alternate reality
now, fellas we have a budding Archanist of cosmic scale among us. Claps........claps...
just stick to it,please.All other piece of shi...nagh i meant novel are either utterly trash or indefinite time. Have a real addiction to this type of stories
do you habe link of translated series
cute and strong really do not go hand-to-hand. Try to change it with something like devil charm, or sharped features i suggest
he is really deluding her in false security.