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really good book, i just want more chapters! its great otherwise. She is a sneaky little fox, really silly and has good humor. I cant wait to see her reach IMMORTALITY
does he get healed? I'm a first time reader
This is a must read, I literally live to see her next evolution.
Pretty awsome book, ive read all the way to ch 800+. Ive got to say I love how unique the mc is compared to her fellow foxes.
I hate it when they let go of what makes them human, those stories are always depressing.
just a heads up, if you had 100000 swords. and your job was to clean all of them every month . you would only be able to spend around 26 seconds on each sword. And that's only if you don't sleep, eat,or poop. My immersion is ruined.
keep the main character sociable, make him a big kaiju, but don't make him a monster of a monster. Explore the world as a snake. different cultures and country's. Make his interactions with people meaningful. But as a the mc they must move on. As time goes on, focus on how human character can be so good but also the hate the potential to do so wrong. But focus mostly on the good. layered dungeons, worlds below the very ground the first layer is on, untold creatures of untold size and wonder, but mc is snek, slithers on. build the world and the story will write itself. I've been paying attention to this series, I see it's on break. I hope this can inspire hope or direction for you author. keep going, keep it light, no revenge or pet humans or lolis, clean fantasy is the way to go baby.
I just love the character consistency and the fact that you've never killed off in the main characters I can't tell you how amazing that it is that you don't kill off main characters. More often than not authors throw away characters that they spent dozens of chapters writing...it's just I'm glad you are moving on and up
Thank you Author for taking this story this far and so well .PLEASE KEEP IT UP
Hiya, first person to comment. Just over all a fun read. Its been done before, but this is a new opportunity! Ima give you some tips. Ive been reading Isekai for like 14 years now. Been reading and loving it for a long time. I know what works and what doesn't work for nonhuman MCs. Dont make the MC a nonhuman nonhuman, when authors make the MC to different from the way they where as a human they forget the whole reason people love nonhuman MC, the "what if" factor. Keep the MC nice to humans and intelligent creatures. People will always tell you MC is to nice for monster or that its "unrealistic" and I say BULLSHET. If the MC is to cruel or inhuman it makes it impossible to world biuld becuase either the MC only sees the worst of the world or only sees it before what ever is introduced is killed or a hated threat--BORING. Literally I cant think of a single well known and long lasting nonhuman MC that is still around because people actually care about the story. Power kreep can be difficult to manage, just keep the MC smart and strong, make the story about where and what or who is going on. Since the MC is a worm this is easy, he can be underground eating dirt and growing while he explores and admires the world they are in, the MC is our view into the world plays a role in how we see the characters. As a worm he could feed nations and help people via fertilization, he could even be a devastating force of power thru evolution. Keep the MC loose and smart, but not uncaring or aloof. By being loose and smart is keeps the story open and intriguing. If you get him a pet or some loli or focus to much on some kind of struggle or fear-- it becomes difficult to manage where you want the MC to go and show us the world/progress the story(as well as stale). As a nonhuman MC its important you dont change the MCs character to much, simplicity of character can provide an active outlet for humor and balance to provide us readers a sense of familiarity. Like "wow I love how even as a 1000 meter long worm he is so relatable". Not to say he cant be different, just that we want to see him come to terms with himself and come to appreciate his new form. Keep the story light and at heart truly non committed- swearing vengeance or some other spiteful direction is boring and overdone by a ton of terrible novels-it gets peoples attention for a bit then they forget about this book and move on to another story to get there dark and violent fix. Your going to want to keep it light because action or conflict is best done in moderation. Keep the MC a WORM. Nothing is worse for a nonhuman MC to only be the thing we want for 20 chapters! I want to see a fantasy world from an agreeable persons perspective. Dont write the story to make me hate the MC, or hate humans, or hate anything. The mc doesn't have to get involved in every situation either, dont make him needlessly cruel. As a worm you can do so much this this story. Most of the time I never find a story early enough to give it my hot take lol. Dont be afraid to let the MC do monotonous stuff, helps you! gives you time to envision where or how you see the MC next! talk about what its like to love dirt, or how to see, or how to go about the world. If you want and action story Do It. If you just wanted to build a story with an Isekai nonhuman mc Do It. Look up the best nonhuman story I have ever seen , chrysalis or something. Its nonhuman Ant . Named ANThony- the ants all have ANT sneaked in and I love it. Itll take time, but find ways to Wiggle some wormness and love into the story and I promise you this wont be a novel to be forget. But one to be Loved! You can do it!