


Just someone with a lot of stories and a big imagination and absolutely no idea how to use it. My stories are unique but can be hard to understand since I am young. Hope ya enjoy!

2021-04-04 JoinedUnited States



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The Clown And The Pink-Haired Delinquent.

A Cold and logical delinquent has a new problem when an insane mercenary loli with a violence and language problem as well as a massive kill count gets a job to protect her. During the great Multiversal War, the Black Tower was seen as the villains since they wanted to control reality. That and the fact that before the war, the Black Tower was a massive mercenary company. One of their Stars, or Star Generals, was someone who went by the name Clown, or Mara the Clown. Mara is an insane highly skilled and dangerous reality-warping clown mercenary with the appearances of a nine-year-old girl and the mind of one to boot. She is well known and feared on both sides and is a total enigma. She has been known to kill both sides for money and despite being insane, she is seen as a trustworthy mother figure for the people fighting for Black Tower. Yet no one except her boss knows what she is fighting for. Well, to find that answer, you first must go all the way back to when Mara the Clown first joined the Black Tower. Back when she died in her own world and was resurrected. Back when Mara didn't quite know how to bend reality to her will. Back when Mara was given what many would see as a pretty easy task. Protect a pink-haired delinquent. .... Only the task was far harder than anyone could have ever expected. Expect a crazy, and I do mean absolutely psycho loli with a language and violence problem try to get along with a cold and logical delinquent., and also fall in love with each other too. Oh yeah, the first four chapters are not in perfect format. I made them a while ago and some of them were made and posted on my phone. Chapter five and beyond is where the chapters are fixed, and the quality goes up. (Cover Art is not mine)

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Princess And Her Warmonger

"Let me tell you a true story about a mouse and a Warmonger, and the unlikely relationship that sprouted between them in the time of endless war." Nostalisk is a world in endless constant war. The Factions of this world endlessly fight for power, this fighting called the Great Wars, a war that has been alive for over four million years. Currently, one of the largest Factions has withdrawn from the endless fighting. This Faction, known as the Kingdom, hopes to forget their past of endless bloodshed and how they were almost destroyed because of it. In the Kingdom, Princess Isalene, the only princess of the Kingdom, is stuck choosing a new personal guard after her previous one died. Despite her father, King Robert, helping her choose a new guard, Isalene decides to head to the arena to see how the knights on the list her father gave her act outside of the eyes of royals. When she arrives at the arena, she sees a knight fighting that is not on the list her father gave her. Named Cruel Knight, this knight is a vicious knight with confusing morals. Despite hating violence, Princess Isalene can't help but be drawn to the knight and their graceful yet cruel fighting style and strange weapons. Princess Isalene continues to watch them and soon learns that Cruel Knight is a Warmonger named Sharia, and is female at that, meaning she is a prisoner. She isn't in there for something simple as disobeying a direct order or killing a noble, but for prolonging a war. Despite knowing this, Princess Isalene can't stop thinking about the Warmonger and suddenly gets a "smart" idea. She'll make Sharia her new personal guard to find out more about her! What could go wrong? And so begins the odd relationship between Sharia The Warmonger and Princess Isalene. One is a peace-loving sheltered naive princess who hates violence and the other is a vicious, cold, twisted, and cruel Warmonger who hates the kind of peace Isalene and the current Kingdom loves. Polar opposites. Yet, even the Warmonger can't help but grow a strange liking to her new "annoyance". But, can the two really get along? After all, Sharia's whole mindset sees Isalene as a waste, and it seems that everyone Isalene talks to tells her to fire Sharia before something terrible happens. But, then again, during this time of budding danger, this odd couple may be what the Kingdom needs. After all, when a large faction such as the Kingdom starts growing soft and weak, they become a rather irresistible target. [After thinking on it, I decided to start a re-write of The Princess And Her Warmonger, adding more details, fixing the switching POVs somewhat, and fixing some of the issues with the story. Don't worry, all of the chapters are still here, I am just making new ones. If you want to read the newer version, then go to the second volume] [This was originally made on scribblehub and, as such, will be updated there first] (The cover art is not mine) [Awkward moment when you went to update the cover and Webnovel can't support the file]

Gabewest42_West · LGBT+
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39 Chs

Zenar 24

(Guess what's back!? Rewrite time, baby!) Ava Kalesidia is a girl struggling with boredom and a seemingly never-changing life. That changes when she meets Karma Mye Destin, or Mye. Karma Mye Destin struggles with finding friends and hanging out with them with her social status as the daughter of the Duke. That changes when she meets Ava Kalesidia. So, what's the problem? Well, Ava is a Zenar, a terrifying creature that originates from a virus from another dimension. To make matters worse, Zenars, and the Zenar Virus, destroyed every galaxy, destroying the ruling races and bringing the population everywhere to below forty percent. Everyone lives in fear of them knowing that, if they happen upon a Zenar, their lives are most likely over. There is reason for this. Zenars are incredible strong, fast, and are extremely hard to kill. They also feel no sympathy or remorse, acting like a hive mind, and are enigmas, sometimes failing to destroy a metal wall while other times they fly through an entire ship, destroying it. Ava, like all Zenars, seem to have that same strength and viciousness. Only, unlike other Zenars, Ava is perfectly able to talk and think for herself, having what looks like no connection to any of the Queen Zenars out there. For this reason, Ava is kept in strongest stronghold of humanity, Fort Ziler. Unfortunately, no matter how different Ava is, she is still a Zenar, and still kills without reason, seeing nothing wrong with killing and eating humans, which she used to be. Yet, because of how different she is, she grows a strong attachment to the first strange girl she meets, named Mye. Yet, can such a relationship ever last? Ava, no matter how innocent she is, will never see killing as wrong, as her total lack of common sense makes her dumber than other Zenars and, to that extent, more dangerous. Mye's father, the Duke, wants her to have nothing to do with his daughter, and Ava has many more oddities besides her behavior. Why does she look like the President's deceased daughter? Why is it that she doesn't feel the hive mind like the other Zenars do? Why is it that she can speak? These mysteries need answers, and sometimes the answers are much more dangerous than remaining oblivious, especially when it means that not only will the remaining species take up arms, but the Zenars themselves, who are nowhere near as dumb as one may think. This is a messed-up love story about a monster trying to learn how to love. Hope ya enjoy!

Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Rashie And Her Killer Robot

In a world full of heroes and villains, Rashie is the eighth most popular person in the whole world, and is the fourth most popular idol. Despite having strange eyes, Rashie has no superpowers or anything that can set her apart from any normal person... ....other than she is crazy. Being a carefree girl, one day for reasons she forgot, Rashie goes to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. However, when she goes to do so, she wakes up with a robot inside her. Not just any robot, but a highly advance one of a kind killer robot. Now she can’t look at any human and not think of killing them. If her robot is ever discovered, she’ll be hunted down by the government. Unfortunately, even with the robot’s advance intelligence, they are going to run into situations where the risk of exposure is high. And the whole being a hero thing is kind of a no go when the robot needs to eat humans to get vital energy and Rashie doesn’t care a smidge about it. However, being a villain or in between can always work. Watch out world! The best duo and combination of metal and flesh are coming in and are sure to rock the world! Now hopefully no one actually exposes Rashie as Rashie to the public because you can’t really call one of the four idols of the universe a villain. This story is in the process of being moved to RoyalRoad but will still be updated here first, though expect the updates and story to be slightly different on RoyalRoad.

Gabewest42_West · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Island Fall

[This story is also being posted on Royalroad] After being thrown overboard from their ship, Frisk wakes up on a strange remote island that they have never heard of before. Serphile Island. They quickly realize that the island's population is mutated and has the ability to use magic. They also quickly learn that the entire island is populated by parasites capable of taking over the world. With the population harboring a grudge on the outside world, Frisk must make their way through the island if they ever want to find a way home, and maybe save the world. Frisk knows that if the parasites escape, the world will turn into a full-blown apocalypse. In order to stop that, they must somehow manage to stop the king of the island and the queen of the parasites. They will discover friends on their way through their journey as well as many dangers and mystery. Yet they can't help but think... ....is killing the islanders and stopping the parasites for good the right answer? After all, everyone here, even the animals, has thoughts. Yet, if they don't do anything, everyone Frisk knows might die. What is happening here? What is the secret of this strange island? Who, or what is Luna? With all of these questions, Frisk must start her journey, praying that whatever choice they make will be the right one. [Despite being an Undertale Fanfic, or AU, Island Fall is far different from Undertale. Please take note that this is a gory, traumatizing, psychological story that is a far cry from the original story of Undertale. And no, there are no actual "monsters" here. Everyone is either a mutated human, animal, or something else]

Gabewest42_West · Video Games
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