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Yeah it states that Time freezes but so far I have seen two times where he has interacted with people while in his phone or computer.
I’m not complaining but is he super smart form the force or as a gift from TOAA. The only thing I see as a good reason would be people from the star wars universe are inherently smarter due to the idea that even the poorest and dumbest of people can build and fly spaceships. Which is literally rocket science.
Hay love the comments commentary. But unless everyone wearing a microphone or a camera crew is following them which I doubt the fan community shouldn’t be able to hear or see what’s really going on. And would mostly be the ones making the most ridiculous rumors. Not complaining just making a suggestion. Love the story so far.
It was ok but you still missed typed the numbers. The is no way the American government would ever spend 10 billion on a potted plant ever. Even 10 million is still to much. If they really wanted to they would just send in some CIA spy’s and take the flowers during the night. It’s not like the security of There garden is that high.
It doesn’t really tell you who Mr smith is. The best I can think of is maybe an ambassador but even then that’s a little too high of an position to care about such a small matter. At best he might be like an ambassadors secretary or lackey. But I honestly don’t why the main character has such animosity towards other countries. And if Mr smith was apart of the ambassador entourage they would have done their research on how he got the rose and just say it’s a new stand of the rose since it didn’t come from them. If it’s truly that important, it would be very well documented, especially by customs between countries.
Any country that use money to grow and prosper is a capitalist society. If you work to make money and then spend that money to buy something then you are promoting capitalism. It’s the definition of capitalism.
While white roses are rare it’s not like a nationally protected flower. And the only bush of white roses planted on the White House garden was put there to celebrate the pope visiting the first time in 1979. Most of them are grown in Massachusetts and it’s a pretty big garden as well. So just saying he’s making a lot of assumptions on just these flowers. I think most people would think it’s just amazing it didn’t wilt getting there.
I enjoyed it very much . I hope to see more soon. The only thing I find weird is he has 10 years to live but the story so far all happens in one year. Unless the final stages of his cultivation are the hardest and longest point of his cultivation I don’t see the story going that long.
I have been busy with graduating and finding a real job I might be in a stable position soon but I need to sort out some stuff before I start writing again.
I will update tonight I was on vacation and was spending time with my family I have not seen in a while.