im a good reader im going to create the most ridiculous book in the history also every author novel should have its own discord the genre i want the most is reincarnation system villain magic ah about my name the 8 it means infinite its means infinite destroyer althought its a nickname but i would prefer it a name everthing has its own reason and i have my own reason
of reading
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thiis is the best novel this novel is good im not really lying this novel is the best good
damn editor they are stupid fool they dont know how good this novel is this novel is good and the best dammit first the dmca now its editor damn bastard
hmm i forgot since its been too long also the reason why i dont use my brain too much i will only lose memory of it
what the just what happened why theres no update / new chapter just what happen this novel is so very good and the best im not really lying and why why theres no new chapter
noo dont end this soon this is really the best and good novel 😭😭
this novel is the best and this novel is very good and im addicted to it im not really lying this novel is so very good and the best also about the discord im so sorry i regret itthe reason is because someone hacked my discord also author dont end this novel too early since this novel is so very good and the best
this novel is the best this novel is so very good im addicted to it i am not lying this novel is good and the best also about in the discord sorry about that i regret it because someone hack my discord also author dont end this novel to early this novel is very good and the best novel i ever read
what what just happened damn if only this novel has more chapters i would know what just happened and even made me curious about the message
maybe because it only have 5 chapters it would be good if it have more chapters
damn this novel is very good and the best