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2021-03-25 JoinedRussia

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  • DaoistGiKqZP

    anything that brain of yours can think of can be found ~

    Sparky spunk-/Oh hell nah now you just hating for no reason. 💀💀/
    Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man
    Movies · KamBroFam123ERT
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Galactic_Sun

    he is a ghost, so he might be see-through.

    In the mirror prison for his soul, the Joker could only watch in complete and utter horror. He couldn't even look away. Everywhere he looked seemed to reflect the outside world and the cruel, cruel joke on him that was playing out there.
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Anime & Comics · Daddy
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to InsanityX

    some of the food is best right after getting made, besides the fact that little of premade food will stay safe since 5-man meal is not even their limit, most probably.

    "He better learn how to cook for ten. Because each of them is gonna eat a five-course meal three times a day." Ken half-joked.
    Bnha: I Don't Run An Orphanage!
    Anime & Comics · Screm_Boi
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to SavageKirin

    she is using her yin to change the flow of monster's yin.

    "I've got it!" Came her reply as she formed a few handseals. "Yin Release: Dark Shield
    HP: The Arcane Thief
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Clay_Champion

    This is Greengrass' backup wand, one that isn't supposed to be widely known. So once he gets/makes himself another wand, he should dispose of this one, but not right now.

    "You've made this personal, you bastard," he muttered as he took out another wand from his bag, now standing with one wand in each hand. One, his own, and one he got from Cyrus Greengrass
    HP: The Arcane Thief
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Gman1

    It had a lot of time to adapt to its powers, Nick has no such luxury nowadays.

    "Hmm , perhaps a flight mechanic of some sort so you don't need to transform in order to fly?" The old elf offered and Nick thought about it for a moment before nodding. As much as it killed him to admit Nick knew that his Animagus form was not ideal for combat and was far more useful for retreating and stalling instead. It simply had no way to cast real spells in any manner that Nick could learn quickly as it lacked the vocal cords needed to speak incantations as well as any sort of decent aim while holding his wand in it's talons.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Heming2

    This information is hard to find normally, so it would have a big price in the shop.

    Nick knew this of course but he was helpless about it as even tier four knowledge was very hard to come by not to even think about tier five or six. Slytherins library was able to provide tier four information and maybe a small amount of tier five if Slytherin recorded anything after he basically turned himself into a lich. This gave Nick a leg up over most people but compared to the likes of Zeus it was simply not even worth mentioning.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Ajunta_Pal

    Might be bound to Hogwarts castle with magic, which is an active school nowadays.

    This made Slytherins library a priceless treasure even if it couldn't be removed from the chamber. The wily old snake had bound each and every book of the library to this room so only those he wanted to see it. Clearly he hadn't expected that someone with soul devouring abilities like Nick would have come around and destroyed him using his phylactery so the library was not booby trapped due to his confidence of victory in battle. That said he clearly didn't trust whoever was supposed to read the library and made it impossible to take books from the room.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Gman1

    they are technically magic, that was supercharged with properties of light, so they would not be effective here.

    This made Slytherins library a priceless treasure even if it couldn't be removed from the chamber. The wily old snake had bound each and every book of the library to this room so only those he wanted to see it. Clearly he hadn't expected that someone with soul devouring abilities like Nick would have come around and destroyed him using his phylactery so the library was not booby trapped due to his confidence of victory in battle. That said he clearly didn't trust whoever was supposed to read the library and made it impossible to take books from the room.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Phenex_5189

    he has tested it on Black Lake shortly after making it, so he has no access to it anymore.

    After leaving Flitwicks office nick made his way to the headmasters office and informed Dumbledore on the theory that Flitwick and himself had come up with on how to deal with the creature. The old wizard seemed impressed at the idea of using a muggle weapon to drain the magic of the creature in hopes of it consuming itself and promised to quietly obtain a gun for this purpose. Unfortunately though Dumbledore also didn't know of an energy that behaved like magic that wasn't magic so trapping the creature was still not doable. They were both confident that it was possible however just that they need to discover the way.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Bookcultivater

    It was mentioned way before, that they were cured with the knowledge from Salazar's books from ancient section of the library. Nick gifted it to Madam Pomfrey last Christmas.

    For Dumbledore he simply got the man a dozen thick woolen socks just for the hell of it. Sirius on the other hand got a custom made bracelet that was enchanted to get rid of the lingering effects of his long term exposure to dementors as well as strengthen his body back to healthy levels. Even now months after he had been released the man was nowhere near recovered from the decade of malnutrition , spiritual rot and illness. This gift would let him quickly reach full strength and even return to active combat against the death eaters that will no doubt be a problem soon.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Slim_Tee

    Time wasn't shown, but the song with a beginning, a continuation and an end, accompanying that process might be representing time. Also changes happening before Nick one after another could be it.

    Nick watched as the song changed again but yet nothing changed in the sphere at first but then the land and waters began to shift and liquid stone rose up spewed violently across the sphere as the sphere shifted and began to rotate around the sun and the moon around the sphere. It was only then that the song ended and Nick realized that all along the voice that was singing was his own , he then opened his eyes.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to OMN1CR0N_GAMING

    He got away with it almost scot free (wasn't harmed "physically" + got the prank) with some punishment for it from faculty member. So nope, he didn't learn anything then.

    Despite that however he couldn't cheat and feed a seed to the system for a bunch of points as the system refused to take it. Still he wasn't too upset about it since he could simply add it to his furnace and use it for his forging , which he did. Other than that he hadn't seen any other magical abilities from Nazgul other than that. Peeves on the other hand learned the hard way that pranking her was a bad idea and was now terrified of her. Despite being amortal and thus unkillable via most methods Nazgul directly attacked his ghostly body and tore his essence apart.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to grav1ty24

    It should be hard, if abilities "anti-animagi, bound and weakening" are what I assume they are. Anti-animagi - ring's only getting activated when worn (willingly or not) by an animagus, bound - when worn, gets attached/stuck on wearer, non-removanle from them (through consumption of ambient energy / wearer's resources), weakening - when worn, reduces wearer's physical and/or magical capabilities to a degree (up to complete suppression thereof)

    Description: A ring forged with the intent to capture an Animagus while forcing them to stay in their human forms.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to BigDaddg420

    he said "a place to hide things" because diadem could be enchanted to be harder to find (either by Rowena or Tom), and it was hidden in the RoR, so it most probably will be somewhere in a place to hide things within RoR.

    Nick also left the workshop with a focused gaze and his wand held firmly in his right hand. He took all the short cuts he could to the seventh floor avoiding the suddenly tight security on the third floor entirely. Ten minutes later Nick stood outside the blank wall across from the tapestry of Barnabus the barmy trying to teach trolls ballet. 'I need a place to hide things' he thought firmly three times while pacing back and forth causing a familiar wooden door to appear. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves he reached out and pushed the door open.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Simple_Russian_Boi

    She did, but there was no mention of her family giving her idea their approval.

    Nick was all but tackled by Tracy after lunch as she repeatedly made sure that he was alright and that Dumbledore hadn't tried to retaliate for his retaliation. Nick gently peeled the girl off of him with a sigh in an impressive show of strength. "I'm fine Tracy , I already have something in mind to ensure that this doesn't happen again." Nick said reassuringly. He then explained how he was going to research the mind arts before creating a ring to protect him from them or at least give him enough time to protect himself.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Gman1

    Probably through the concept of beetles and bats not really needing light to "see" getting applied to caster. And ritual needing eyes specifically, despite them not taking part in "seeing", is to point to magic, where these concepts need to be put.

    Nick only got halfway through one of them before it was time for dinner so he stored the rest in Greed and left the library. Still he had made a list of three rituals that he wanted to perform to give him a serious edge. The ritual of reflexes , the ritual of night eye and the ritual of breath. The first had already been explained but the second required the eyes of a bat and the eyes of a beetle and allowed one to have night vision. The final ritual was a bit special however as it required the lung of a dragon and the blood of the caster in order to give the ability to draw in the magic in the air to replenish their own with every breath.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Chris_Matte

    Walls can also pass sounds, though muffled. Door would let hammer strikes leave the room almost as is, which could become a source of public disturbance, if not for magic's work.

    This then went into the furnace again to reheat till threatening meltage again before being placed back on the anvil and forge welded together into a rough ingot of metal. He then placed the still hot ingot on the floor in a corner before taking out another object from greed and repeating this process. He repeated this for four whole hours during which time the twins chatted amongst themselves about what they were seeing him do. Flitwick also briefly showed up having been draw in by the sound of the metal being struck.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Tunic01

    Obviously, since brooma are birds and dragons are not. He can't command flying lizards, but a stick with smaller sticks tied to it is totally a fair game.

    Nick no sooner than had the intention to follow the instruction did the broom he choose jump into his hand like a dog eager to please. 'Avian royalty , I should have known I would probably have stupid amounts of talent in flying.' he complained mentally. The professor noticed this little event but didn't say anything and the class went on like usual. A few people managed to get their broom into their hands on the first attempt , namely Harry , Draco and Tracy. Others needed a few tries and others simply had no hope at all like , Hermione and Neville.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • DaoistGiKqZP
    Replied to Denn_Mael

    Why would Harry hang out with Ron instead of his bestest friend Nick?

    Nick had a sneaking suspicion that the reason he didn't have his inventory space open in the system is that he needed an actual storage area in order for it to work. Once he saved up enough points to buy this enchantment from the system he would find out. 'For now though I need to figure out what I want to put on Harry's ring.' Nick thought seriously. "I don't want to just copy Sanar as that might force the old man to take drastic measures. I also want the enchantment to be genuinely useful for Harry as well.' Nick thought with a frown.-
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro