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the clan hammer, but it should be grass since he hasn't revealed it yet
they greatest strength for body is that you can fight no matter what, it's flaw is you have to continuously push it to new heights, the Greater flaw for weapons is that they can be broken taken away and even rendered useless that's why you don't see many who don't have weapon spirits use them they are to fragile in superhuman hand even then powerful crafted weapons don't show up till 10,000 years later so all weapon suck in this era
in body not mind mc was a late teen when he first died so he should be mentality in his 30's, also there world works different because of raising there levels the can actually live a 1000 years or more at level 90 so they really don't care about age gap since the age could be more than a 100 to 1000 years difference between themselves
when people are really desperate, they make stupid decisions. plus, he is not just any reincarnation, but someone who knows the story and how dangerous this world really is mc is probably a severe shock and extremely stressed mental state that they can't think right.
so stupid it's been proven in nature to many heads or limbs actually makes survival impossible unless raising in captivity so anything above 2 head automatically dies
it's the other way around Asian dragons are evolved worms nothing else, real dragons are titans using there own powers alone
soul land god, and everything only looks powerful. They are all flashy, very weak, none of them actually have the power of a god, just the title. Remember, this is asain mentality gods weak as sin, they think anything is a god so they have to be strong but anyone with common sense will serve that they don't have the powers or even matter to the overall structure of there universe you could kill them all and the universe wouldn't collapse unlike marvel were killing the aspect of death lead to a cancer universe or dc the death of darkside caused the multiverse to unmade itself
do it by a schedule type of every 2 or 3 days you release about 3 to 4 chapters since you fic chapters are not really long you can stock pile them and do this so that you have a control stream of updates to avoid pressure and writing block with the ability to adjust later chapters with time if need be
it has nothing to do with you using the ai to write it actually has to do with most authors who use one never proofread, or check what it does to fix it before publishing chapters, so use it all you want just proofread them beforehand please. also make ghost freak the number 1 villan in this fic because he has all of the mc knowledge and his own with powers that make him an absolute pain to get rid of so he can be mc original villan and get off world to be a universe level villan who spread and took over a who section of space and recreating some of the aliens monsters of his home world and form a nightmare sector that forces mc to go to space to deal with him or interact with space part of mcu not just earth
most never heard of it except the meme, I was interested myself but could never find where to read or see it even know I get bits and pieces so I say use another old but easier to find anime like cowboy bebop like the mc has the ship and skills of half the cast while doing a space themed exploration quest where they can upgrade the ship and they have a reasonable tech level to make it make sense