The Gaming League
In the year 2307, artificial minds created a virtual competition known as The Gaming League where people who are the best of the best in the four types of game genre’s: Card, Fighting, Boardgame, and RPG; will go all out in tournaments that will test whether they’re capable of the title known as the Ace. A name that will acknowledge the winner as the best gamer in the world to date.
A girl named Ella, who is determined to become the next Ace; made it alll the way to the island that holds these matches. Although with her having two years before the next tournament begins she needs help from a woman named Lisa who is mysteriously knowledgable of the four genres enough to help her. This is a story of two girls that will go through troubles that are far greater than the Gaming league that will show how they determined they both are to achieve a world they both desire.
EliteUniverse · Sci-fi