I am but a humble knight that enjoy reading
of reading
Read books
it plays out during the early 14th century and yeah he develop firearms like muskets and destroy medieval armies but the enemies are able to scavange gun from him. And later modern rifles from the cold war between the usa and soviets.
Probably the best ever novel I have read the characters felt alive almost and I could read for hours until I hade to force myself stop. great novel zentmeister by the way are you from Deutschland.
honestly she would be doing everyone a favor if she did kill him he does not kill someone that threaten to kill him in his sleep.
author why did you not have mc kill the bouty hunter? it does not make any sense she tried to kill him twice and yet thag xold hearted kid just went "let me help you princess" like some fucking retard. the boy has killed before so why is it a problem now?
yeah i might just stop reading if he will continue to be a little bitch and not even kill those that would murder him in his sleep in a heartbeat. due has even killed before so its not like he is some innocent kid that never seen blood before.
will he get any mire knights from the system?
i mean she is not really a miner so she was 100% just a bad driver
tf you talking about?
not to mention trying to explain that soul trapping their comrades is saving them.