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  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to LuciferMorningStar

    No, he has reality warping powers in the sense that his powers have manifested as a system that can limitlessly empower him and give him superhuman skills/abilities.

    Even after reincarnating, I wasn't some science whizz, so I couldn't take the Oz Serum and iron out the problems with it. Nor could I just take the spider bite from Peter Parker - not because I'm that nice of a guy or anything but rather because who knows how my body would react to it. Maybe it could kill me or mutate me into a Man-Spider creature. It was risk I wasn't willing to take.
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to LuciferMorningStar

    When you think about it, those two things are practically the same thing. I'm talking real peak human here. Just look at the world records for certain feats and you'll figure out what 10-11 is in a stat.

    [For reference, the peak a human can attain is 10-11]
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to cheeki_breeki

    Because if he hadn't, Jean would've grown up with a trauma that would've either made her not use her powers or would've sent her down a spiral of her powers not being able to be controlled and just causing destruction. He did what he thought was right, no matter how arrogant such a thought is, and I can applaud him for that because he had good intentions. Also, minor correction, he didn't erase her memories. He just suppressed a single memory of her killing her mom.

    Ch 3 The Boss Fight and Going to Meet A Game Character
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Sevennamed

    And how did you come to that stunning conclusion? Is it because I called into question the legitimacy of Mutants? If so, come on, man. You can be a fan of something and still see when it doesn't make sense or when it's forced comic ****ery.

    Ch 1 Dungeon, Guide and Grinding
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Endless_Suffering

    Bruh, there's worse things you can do than locking away traumatic memories of a kid killing her parents. He intended it to be a mercy rather than the bad choice it actually was. He had no right to do what he did - and he accepts that in the end - but there's a difference between trying to help a kid and influencing the entire population of the entire world for your own goals.

    Ch 3 The Boss Fight and Going to Meet A Game Character
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Konrad_The_Fourth

    How are so many people missing the point I've been making? There's no point. He's already got 10 in Intelligence which puts him around Batman-level. Anymore than that won't give him anything other buffs to his actual intelligence. It's a stat for Mages and for Magic.

    Ch 3 The Boss Fight and Going to Meet A Game Character
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Lord_tabs

    He's not though lol.

    Ch 4 Meeting The Firekeeper, More Boss EXP and Leaving The Dungeon
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to DarkSeid

    He'll do it if necessary. He's not gonna be a Xianxia protagonist about it though - what I mean by that is that he's not a genocidal maniac.

    Ch 4 Meeting The Firekeeper, More Boss EXP and Leaving The Dungeon
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Endless_Suffering

    It's immoral no matter what you try and say to explain it lol. If this were switched around and pointed at you, you wouldn't want some bald man 'influencing' your thoughts and opinions, would you? No. Because no one wants that.

    Ch 3 The Boss Fight and Going to Meet A Game Character
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Sevennamed

    It won't. The chapters the MC spent in the dungeon at the start were just to show the readers what the dungeon was like and whatnot. He'll only ever really be shown in there when he's up against a boss and even then it won't be as drawn out as the Gundyr fight.

    Ch 3 The Boss Fight and Going to Meet A Game Character
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Ahmed_Maged

    He won't tell him about the dungeon. Just about his enhanced physicality and maybe the fact he can summon fire (through his [Rage] ability).

    Ch 4 Meeting The Firekeeper, More Boss EXP and Leaving The Dungeon
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to David_Drake

    I mean, why though?

    Ch 4 Meeting The Firekeeper, More Boss EXP and Leaving The Dungeon
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Skylockdown

    He won't be using any weapons. He'll be an unarmed fighter because that's what he's trained in and that's where his talent lies.

    Ch 4 Meeting The Firekeeper, More Boss EXP and Leaving The Dungeon
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Aconitum

    He'd be known by SHIELD regardless. Magneto is pretty chill in this world - it's the Magneto from the McAvoy X-Men films. Sinister doesn't exist in the MCU or X-Men films either. Sublime doesn't exist either.

    Ch 4 Meeting The Firekeeper, More Boss EXP and Leaving The Dungeon
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to BigStig97

    MC's gonna be hand-to-hand fighter. Sorry to disappoint, I guess.

    Ch 4 Meeting The Firekeeper, More Boss EXP and Leaving The Dungeon
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Diffool

    No it wouldn't lol. You can call it whatever you want, it's still gonna have a negative light if people don't understand it. And people, in Marvel, don't understand Mutants and just fear their potential power. Their public image isn't ruined by them being called Mutants either - it's ruined because extremists like Magneto are genocidal Mutant supremacists who kill Humans and want to put Mutants on the top of the food chain. Which gives a bad rap for literally every Mutant from a layman's perspective.

    [Congratulations on taking your first step in transcending you limits as a lowly Human--Or should we say Mutant? Because that's what you are, baby! And this place, this system - that's your power!]
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to ahmed_waleed_1200

    No. There's no point. It doesn't make him stronger, so why should he waste the points?

    Ch 3 The Boss Fight and Going to Meet A Game Character
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Sevennamed

    And firing blasts through your eyes does? Or Telepathy? Or turning your body into metal? Mutants DON'T make sense. It's like the only thing that is the same for all of them, regardless of their powers.

    Ch 1 Dungeon, Guide and Grinding
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Diffool

    I just can't agree with you about this one, mate. No matter whether they're called Mutants, Metahumans or bloody Care Bears--Anyone who can blow my brain out the back of my head with their goddamn mind, is gonna be scary as hell. The name has very little to do with why they're feared. They're mainly feared by the general populace because of the misinformation about them. The misinformation which was brought into existence by Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants. Misinformation about Mutants being evil and power crazy or whatever. There's also the fact that people fear what they don't understand. You explain the X-Gene to some random guy off the street and how Mutants are just a normal product of evolution and he won't understand a word you're saying - but if you give him examples of Mutants being insanely strong and deadly and he'll understand just fine and have a bias against them.

    [Congratulations on taking your first step in transcending you limits as a lowly Human--Or should we say Mutant? Because that's what you are, baby! And this place, this system - that's your power!]
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName
  • WhoNeedsAName
    Replied to Diffool

    No, they are. The only difference is one gene - the X-Gene. They're mutant Humans, which is why I'll refer to them as Human Mutants or just Mutants. The difference just isn't vast enough to separate Humans and Mutants into two separate races. Mutants are the evolved version of Humans, yes, but they're still Humans. My perspective on this is that there are also Mutants of other species throughout the Galaxy in the comics which means Mutants aren't a race per se. They're more like certain people from any number of races who all share a power-giving gene that makes them more than their base race. Plus, if Mutant was his race, what stat gains would he get? What racial abilities would he get? The answer is any number of combinations. Mutants differ way too much. There are Mutants that can lift dozens of tonnes but are slow and there are Mutants who can run at Mach-level speeds but are only as strong as a normal Human. So, what stats would the MC get from such a race? It's just too much work. I'd rather stick to a race that has definite standards for what their strengths are.

    [Race: N/A]
    MCU: Barbarian Gamer
    Movies · WhoNeedsAName