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epic fight scene nice work man
This is great but I also finished reading your jacob story and I was wondering if you would ever do something like that for Jacob Keener from the Originals that guy actually had it even worse at least Jacob Black was still alive and a alpha at the end.
this please
This is just a story about a psychotic selfish man ruining the lives of everyone and everything he comes into contact with I feel sick after reading it
I get it man good for you on the full time job as long as I can get one new chapter a week I will be more than happy 😊
just like the kerenzikov in cyberpunk asome
He wasn't force sensitive in the show many a more tech based power set would be better like power armor or gear from mass effect
That is a great idea you could start at his father's death on the time line and he could be a tech specialist with mass effect gear you should try I would read It for sure