“Sometimes you must hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain, because life’s greatest lessons are learned through pain.” – Pain
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That one girl in manhua’s who will commit suicide and the protagonist finds out years later, and when he returns to the past, he swears to love her with all his heart in his second chance
Yuno approves…
Essences used: ~Essence of the Eldritch Soul~ By imbibing this strange concoction your very soul is altered granting several powers: - Your soul both becomes Eldritch/Unknowable in nature and is awakened to it's new nature. - An awakened Eldritch Soul is able to perceive other Eldritch things as well as those that are generally paranormal in nature. - Awakened Eldritch Souls are able to manipulate matter-energy and space-time leading to effects that those without awakened souls would call Magic. - Your Eldritch Soul has an inherent limit on how much matter/energy that it can safely store/alter. If this limit is exceeded you will cause an immediate explosion of all stored/altered matter/energy. - This limit can grow given both time and experience. - Unlike normal Eldritch Souls you have an innate understanding of your abilities and their limitations. You will never inadvertently store/alter too much matter/energy. - Optionally your Eldritch Soul's limits are removed. - Upon death your Eldritch Soul becomes a full Eldritch Being completely and irreversibly separated from your human body. - After becoming an Eldritch Being you are able to reproduce by altering/inserting Souls into humans, or other sapient species. - Eldritch Beings are able to awaken or put to sleep Eldritch Souls. - A sleeping Eldritch Soul is indistinguishable from any other mundane being of their species. ~Essence of Empress Shoggoth Slime Girl~ -This Essence scans you and forms an Empress Shoggoth that is a perfect partner for you. -This Shoggoth has no taint of corruption or madness, nor does she affect your mind in any harmful way. Empress's however can extend others lifespans should they wish to. This includes her encouraging you using other tools and being with other people. -In potential she surpasses any Lovecraftian shoggoth. Though she prefers creation over destruction. -She can take the form of a colossal and ever-growing mansion that can manifest an army of other forms at any time inside of herself. -She is so good at mimicking she can take the forms and personalities of those she sees in person or any form of media keeping them all in their own mental partitions for use when desired. -It's like a living, building sized holodeck that's in love with you! She can manifest herself as whatever you want! She can mimic and or build anything she understands. -This means that as long as she has the mass and a scan or blueprint she can act as a living replicator. -This is the same for flora and fauna. Think Builder and Lifeworker Huragok from halo. -As a slime she also grows in size and power the older she gets. -She can compress herself to any size. She is also not bound to the purple look of other shoggoths, want her to look like a living flame she can do that, like a stellar nursery she can do that as well. -She can consume any form of matter and generate any that she has consumed gaining in speed and size as she gains age and experience. -In time she can even be used to terraform barren balls of rock into lush garden worlds or even consume entire planets again gaining in speed and size as she gains age and experience. -Her skills in cooking, homemaking, massage and family management could even make the gods feel jealous. -Yes she can get pregnant. Once deciding to do so she may choose either an empress shoggoth or any species she has encountered. ~Essence of the Home~ -You gain a personal home that exists outside of reality and beyond the reach of most entities. This home is practically impenetrable to any being you do not want inside, even a supreme deity could not pierce the barriers in place on this property. -The home can be of your design or you can let it surprise you by generating itself based on your needs and wants so it fits itself to you perfectly. As your needs change and grow the home will expand with new facilities as needed. -The home takes care of the basic utilities automatically and requires no connectio