

2021-02-09 JoinedGlobal

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  • moonchild7
    moonchild74 years ago
    Replied to CCmei

    that's the joy of reading, getting to understand a character n why they do the stuff that they do, like or hate them characters that have depth will always be good n that's one of the reason I love reading ur story. ohh it's nice to know my intuition was right can't wait for this to unravel πŸ‘€

  • moonchild7
    moonchild74 years ago

    lovely and really sad chapter, loved to read a more info on Maria's story, I might not care for her tbh I just can't emotionally connect w her, but its was nice having a more depth understanding on her part. also don't know if I'm just paranoid but... [squint] the head maid is sus, im smelling a conspiracy maybe? thank you for the chapter, looking forward to the next one 😊

  • moonchild7
    moonchild74 years ago

    god i missed it 😭 had to read slowly and savor it for a little longer. i truly love the father and daughter interactions, its so adorable, entertaining, interesting, and painful. also rosa's inner dialogue just pulls me in n makes me feel her pain her grief n makes me feel resentment towards those that hurt her but its also makes me feel the helplessness bc she herself feels its hopeless. on another note cant help but appreciate these few lines when rosa thinks abt it not being suprising tht not all ppl are good persons and "if they claim they are and insist on it, then theyre worse than parasitic trash" its so the god honest truth that its just poetic. anyways nice writing author n thank u for ur hard work, appreciate you πŸ™

  • moonchild7
    moonchild74 years ago

    dropped everything once i saw the notification πŸ˜‚ great chapter today. i had some good laughs, love how 'villainous' she was and just enjoy reading when rosa is on a roll making food. i knew that the grain of that family who disrespected our young miss would be special in some ways, feel nice to be right 😁

  • moonchild7
    moonchild74 years ago

    i really love this novel. it easily went up to my top 2 favorite rebirth stories ever, and the best novel here. i have a love/hate relationship with the writing style... love how its based on the mc perspective n hate at the same time because you dont get to see the happenings in the background much of the time, im just the type to like reading the little details 😩 especially when mc is doing her 'work', but i still love it because you get to pick up tibits of the story and its just so intresting to wonder and think about whats happening back there. also find it fresh and interesting how the author is making a point in focusing on the mental and emotional health of the mc and the other characters it make it feel more authentic imo, tho as a emotional constipated person i do cringe at some emotional scenes... my favorite thing to read is the relationship between mc and her father but overall its a very good read, i also find that to me the story does not drag on considering it has no time skips. now that im caught up i keep coming here everyday to check if theres an update only to leave with an empy heart when there isnt 😭 hope author never gives up on this story.