I'm back!!! Time to burn some brain cells.
of reading
Read books
'Cause of similarities and his role in the dance of the dragons
The more I read the more I agree with Hikigaya Hachiman regarding that period of our life called youth
well, Sheldon won't be entertaining if he's normal
she needs a horse, not a man
Let's revise my guess then. Son and brothers* 🤗
Would it not be better for a lord paramount to control it, or at least someone who shares close blood ties to them? To my understanding, Gold tooth had similar value to Riverlands as Moat Cailin to the North.
I'm exasperated in how often medieval noble girls were featured wanting to become warriors to the point that the concept lost its novelty. In other words, I found it cliche and that's all it is.
A fitting end for Joffrey is to be rip apart by a mob
Doesn't really change anything because he is still responsible for it.