I don’t log in as often as I use to.
of reading
Read books
If you’re quoting your translator, then I would have to question your intelligence, because if that was the result of using your translator, it would’ve translated my words into your native language, which I wouldn’t understand anyway. Even if it was then translated back into my words verbatim. Because machine translations are choppy at best most of the time and everyone who’s read MTL has experienced this personally. The fact that you can’t comprehend a basic word like “hiding” is evidence enough that your translator isn’t perfect and you need to use a dictionary. In fact, if you used a dictionary from the beginning, this entire exchange would have never happened.
You keep saying you have no time, but you keep responding all the same. Gigantic? Your responses are sometimes as long as mine. You have comprehension issues, so I have to use full sentences on the chance that it makes it easier for you to understand. Based on activity, you’re more active on here than I am. You seem to use English just fine, but the reality is that you have serious comprehension issues and that’s why most of what you say has no logical basis. Even when using pictures. Do you still not understand how ridiculous that is? Are you seriously that lazy? A dictionary only takes up one extra browser tab. Yet you seem to love “refuting” people online, despite not having time to read “gigantic” texts or for using a dictionary. It’s like watching a sloppy drunk person choose to drive his car back home. Or like watching a wild animal use human words. You know it doesn’t understand, but it keeps repeating them anyway. A responsible person would take the drunk person’s keys away and let him sleep it off until he’s sober. This friend you keep referring to would at least do that much. And a friend with English comprehension issues would use a dictionary.
Complaining? I spent more time explaining things to you than complaining. All because you couldn’t be bothered to use a dictionary. And I had to talk to you first to figure out that talking with you was a waste of time. By speaking to you, I was hoping to spare everyone else on the internet. But you clearly enjoy doing what you do.
You think this is about a grammatical error? Wow. The problem is that you don’t know what you’re talking about at least half the time and can’t even be bothered to use a dictionary. This results in at least half the exchanges you have with people on here being a complete waste of time, but they will still respond to you, thinking that you’re someone that they can communicate with. When the reality is that it’s all a waste of time and you are ok with wasting other people’s time.
Bro? It’s not hard to understand. Basically, the more you talk, the more you reveal about yourself. And you only admit to only getting one thing wrong? Must be nice to be absolutely shameless and self-satisfied. Besides, the problem isn’t on my end.
Yes, because you are more than happy to troll anyone despite your shaky knowledge base. Regardless of whether you know what you’re talking about. I have a friend just like that.
Wrong, because you need to have a certain level of mastery over the English language to understand what is being said or written about in English. Direct translations can often be rough and inaccurate. Your own admission at least reveals why you haven’t been making any sense. Please use a dictionary from now on.
Here’s the “literal” definition of hiding: put or keep out of sight; conceal from the view or notice of others. Does that apply here? You either have a very rough understanding of the English language or your eyes aren’t working properly.
Ok but is he hiding in the scarf?
It took me a moment to figure out whether you’re agreeing or disagreeing with me, or casually on adding on extra tidbits. I believe your comment belongs on the paragraph above the one I commented on. Because what I addressed has nothing to do with what you’re taking about. Just whether there are people within the village able to sense the Ninetails within its host.