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It is one of the best fanfic i have ever read , the reason why i like it is because of the reality of how things actually work , rather than just fantasy , and that take time to come up with . As for the decision regarding no wishes, cheats etc , EXCELLENT. You dont know how much potential this story contain if you think that he should have gote some powers or cheat . You see the best work are those or those that people love most have built themselves bottom up. like we all love Superman but think for once of he had no weakness , sure he has extreme powers but as he got it without something he naturally has weakness but then look at goku , sure he had a minor boost at the beginning but he had to start at the bottom to a literal GOD , but does he have any weakness like Superman that can instantly turn hime into A Weak man who cant even stand properly NO and that's what i wish you dp to MC Dont give him powers without any struggle and hard work , That way he will have an amazing built up both in power and character. The rest is up to you but keep up the good work .
Hey thats like the scene from 3 Idiots 😂🤣
Hey , maybe krish like powers or others like , Chronicle TK, Haki , Or like that Of Weapon XI (Optic blast , Regeneration , Teleportation etc) , Or Just Simple ZENKAI BOOST like it gives an unlimited growth
Great chapter. Hey what if he learns like the marine 6 styles(one piece) like he can run on air and be Bullet proof etc, I mean it will be cool
This is a great and interesting approach.Keep up the good work.
Great approach here , starting with a different and interesting development. Looking forward to it. Hey by the way, author are you hona continue the " MCU : Hanma " story , cause i kinda liked it
Great job man. This brings a interesting approach and can't wait for next chapter. Keep up the good work
Is it Stonehenge..?
Hufflepuff. Because of his nature Affinity and them being a close knit group it would be interesting . Second there will be less suspicion on him being dark , in fact they may consider him weak or something, and him being a puff will offer achange of pace as there a lot of fics where they are ravenclaw or slytherin . Ultimately it's up to you