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People in the comments are alredy advising to make sure it is the Zayne profile, and just bc we are spamming dosent mean we are bots, I usualy dont do this kinda of stuff, but bro. This dude was acused of peadophilia, he lied, disaperas, and then come back saying something like " haha haters, i make money, even after beeing cancelled", so I think its fair enough to do this with this kinda of trash
Bro, dont talk shit, We arent bots, this YouTube channel -> https://youtu.be/7I2n8RixMTA, exposed him for the second time. As you probably noticed he was cancelled for beeing a pedo (basically) so a few days ago he went on his tweeter saying that he was gratefull for his exposed, bc now he makes 35k reais per month ( 7k dollar ) showing the trash that he is. If someone posted this message in your novel, he was mistaken by the author, since this site is kinda of a mess. Zy YT channel->https://youtube.com/c/zyzyy Zy Twitter ->https://mobile.twitter.com/aquelezy ( non-active for now )
The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15.
The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15.
The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15.
The writer of this novel is a brazilian youtuber called "Zy" that was exposed a few months ago for exchanging nude pictures with an underage girl that was one of his subscribers. She was around 15.