having come in search of fire, he left burning as embers. Warrior of Sunlight
of reading
Read books
I'm pretty sure he has thousand of years of combat experience
that makes sence . . . until you think that if the jump between 70% and 75% is exponentially more than between 20% to 70%. is it really an increase of 5% of the max. or is it actualy more like as your saying a 0.1÷10²⁴ % increase. I see your point but I honestly feel having exponents and % make one or both pointless. kind of like my reply.
your translation work is pream.
is an amazing fic. I just hope the author eventually comes back.
very good
so I was about to call out that it just didn't make sense for him to be able to due all of this. but I realized that if the think tank has an average int of 10 and house 11 then his 13 definitely can. is it unrealistic. ya but it's fiction so who gives a fuck, right. thanks for the fic
awesome chapter
you nailed the pacing on this.