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  • LazyLazer_RSP

    It's not konoha, otherwise they'd have a blood feud with the cloud village that would never result in a ceasefire agreement, where they then tried to kidnap hinata but shamelessly demanded the hyuga patriarch for the death of a cannon fodder jonin, since the majority of the 10k ninjas died. I always assumed it was a coalition front between mist, stone, and sand. No way any singular village has 10k ninjas to throw at a single battle front.

    A/N:- Expect a few things to change here and there. Also, it would be appreciated if someone can tell about the identity of 10,000 ninjas who killed the Third Raikage (with reliable source). There are conflicting opinion on this matter even on reddit. Some people claims it to be Iwa whereas some Konoha.
    Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson
    Anime & Comics · ForgottenLife
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    This is beyond 'op'. It's a straight up multi-cheat skill all for being a dumbarse. If this is how you 'punish' a character's mistakes, I don't really want to see what rewards for actual accomplishments would be. I'mma just put reading this series back on pause, til I'm in the mood for bs power fantasy.

    Ch 23 A Qualitative Change
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    This was a sloppy chapter. Extremely forceful author's hand. If you needed an 'op skill' this was one of the worst ways of doing it(top worst would be random gacha with uber mega lucky jackpot or whatever bs certain novels love doing). The mc suddenly regressed in mentality, then the flashback was cringe(dude's literally been in the city for what a single day? but somehow all the little actions are super important core memories now as if they're what changed their life or was the 'heroes call to action' scene, it just ruins the original core memories to even begin trying to put them on the same level as something he spent 3 years drowning in recollections of), and the over dramatic bleed out and terrible response(it feels like this was meant to be the original start of the novel or something). The story was going so well too, but now it feels like it restarted without warning. I've heard great things about this story though so one or two speed bumps are fine, just felt like ranting about something so stupid.

    Ch 22 Reflection : Slaughter
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    Wow, such effort, defintely needed a new op skill to pull that off. Yep so much harder to eat a bean than getting up to lean against a wall bleeding everywhere and slowly falling for dramatic effect.

    Using his newfound awareness Vahn quickly opened his inventory and withdrew a 'senzu bean'. Feeling the small bean in his hand, he struggled to lift it to his mouth. He felt the darkness in his vision begin to return but forced it away using sheer willpower.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    Obviously not as bad as him, but imagine a kid wanting to grow out their hair and your guardians secretly tell the barber to practically shave it all off on 'accident'...pretty sure that was THE moment I grew an inherrent distrust for all adults(the gig was up when I flat out told the barber he owed me money for ruining my hair but my guardians paid him anyways, you don't pay someone if they 'messed' up by shaving you near bald when you specifically asked for just a trim). The second moment was when they strongarmed me into getting a haircut at home...I stopped caring about my hair after that. Funny part? They yelled at me because I went to school with a butchered haircut, because it made them look bad...beach you cut my hair while drunk how's it my fault you didn't fix your mistake? I think the best part out that last fiasco was they never took me to get a hair cut again...yeah they ended up full blown neglectful, but the independence was a welcomed peace period after years of them. As it stands now, my hair is what 3 feet long now? More than 2 less than 3 I think for the bulk of it at least, don't feel like undoing my hairties. I love having long hair despite the hassle, amazing fidgeting outlet and it's somehow spiritually soothing to have a 'rebellious' mark of pride as a constant companion piece.

    After Sis's explanation, Vahn began to inspect his own appearance. He noticed that his clothes were torn and had stains in various spots. He had only worn a total of three different outfits since his arrival in this world, and everything except his shadowsilk tunic was in poor state. He also noted that his hair had indeed grown long, but he liked it since it was always shaved to the scalp in his previous life.
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    There's this series about a transmigrator into a game type deal, the 'tutorial' island or whatever ended up still existing, but everything in that place is indestructible...so obviously the mc took everything no bolted down and left a couple things in case another transmigrator showed up. Made an indestructible cape using a futon...and various other things of use like forever candles and what not.

    Special Status: Indestructible
    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    Wow, using the site rating system dropped this a lot lower than I thought. I was thinking more so 3~3.5 star. - Great tl quality probs the best you'll see in a while. - It hasn't been updated in a while and for some reason the latest chapter for a while is about deleting books on this site. - Story is hot garbage that's gilded to look decent, it loves to smash the canon story but then at the last minute cram it back in to the plot because the author is too lazy to actually make it an au. - The characters would've been a nice point, but the mc is a mess of blurred motivations and abilities, the moment you think you understand them they just change or pull something out of their arse inexplicably. The other characters at time react organically and seem as if they'll develop beyond their canon versions only to flat out revert as if they've never experienced anything new. Also...the mc is an oc(?) but acts like an old man(?) sometimes(?) with a transmigrators mindset(?) but has no knowledge of the canon(?) and inexplicably has supreme magical prowess to be able to cast all sorts of magic wandless...without training...I mean he's literally 11yo and there's a scene when he went to play something 'emotional' on the piano, he suddenly became a godlike virtuoso directly transmitting his emotions to a bunch of old people who preempted it with 'haven't played piano in a 'really' long time'...it's so confusing, is he a kid or what?! - The background would've been amazing but the plot keeps zigzagging to the point you doubt what'll happen next, not because of a plottwist but a backbreaking twist in logic that'll 180 undoing all the progress in the story only to eventually teleport to the resolution that was the originally projected destination. Imagine you get on a train, it derails to a branching destination, magically flips around and goes back towards the departure only to slam into a portal that takes you to the original destination before the derailing. This fanfic has a weird obsession with trashing the original canon, try to change it only to reverse in full gear and then magically follow the canon again. - Latest part of the story, part way through chamber of secrets arc, I read used some decent mental work to justify everything and came to the correct answer then within a single chapter flip flopped to a hairbrained idea that was literally just debunked because...the mc had a change of mind. I swear the mc has split personality or something. I mean yes the new theory has it's own supporting facts, like how would a basilisk travel without extra large conspicuous sewage pipes, but then again it was taken for granted without ever checking if the 'pipes' are actually suspiciously large...like at all. Instead it must be some other creature that has instant death gaze(why that's still a solid clue when basilisk would be 'impossible' idk) but petrifies from indirect contact(puddles and camera) and can somehow sneak around the castle without alerting anyone or be caught by the countless paintings(surveilance cameras and norris?). - In conclusion? It feels like a melting pot of a story where the 'choose your own adventure' point got merged into the same plot and despite all the contradictions for some reason follows the canon plot. Like a visual novel where all the choices were chosen at the same time, characters will develop and revert on a whim and suddenly continue developing then suddenly change and develop in that direction only to flop back to the original growth and etc. It's a confusing mess when you try to think too deeply, which unfortunately is what I do subconsciously. So...if you can turn off your critical thinking, this would be a fine and dandy story to read. Hence my original 3~3.5 star despite the site's harsher criteria rating. There's no concept/ingenuity or 'funness' category which I feel bumps up the rating a bit. I would've loved to keep reading, but my mind can't mesh with it and it requires me to change a fundamental reading process I've been training for ages.

    The Prince Hidden in the Shadows- Fanfic
    Book&Literature · CrossArk
  • LazyLazer_RSP
    Replied to ReincarnateSystem

    I was just fed up with the wannabe edgelord. Can't even remember the details, I just know that the mc has selective memory loss. Bellatrix may have been minister for a decade, but it still took a while to clear up all the corruption. Sirius probably took a few years to get out of azkaban since Bellatrix started off slow before snowballing into her current power of influence. I also don't remember the extent of Rose's backstory, but I think it was implied to have been more rough than the canon version, which from what I hear was about as bad as it can get without escaping pg/teen rating. So I'd assume at least a couple broken bones, starvation and dehydration here or there, and the psychological stuff like verbal or other non-physical abuse(imo the worst kind since it's literally lifelong ptsd).

    They grew up in a luxurious environment, never having to sleep feeling hungry as hell with their body aching all over from the beatings received and worrying about how to get food the next day. 
    HP: The Arcane Thief
    Book&Literature · Snollygoster
  • LazyLazer_RSP
    Replied to Fenrisulfir

    It's too much work to dig through, but I remember during his wish it had periods in between each 'power' so...he made a single wish despite breaking it up into multiple sentences. If the god or whoever specifically made stipulations to prevent 'smart' people from abusing the semantics, they would've also cut off the mc after speaking of the 3 people's powers since it wasn't within a single wish but multiple statements. Someone taking advantage of semantics like this would've been shut down for semantics as well. Also...if you're going to wish for multiple people's powers altogether at once, then it's pretty stupid to stop at just 3 people when you have 3 wishes. But like I said in the original, a genie who's used to people trying to wriggle their way into more wishes would've just shut up the mc after 3 sentences each with their own 'wish'.

    "You are becoming Overpowered. Three wishes for people with brains break the natural order of things. I guess I'll allow this wish too. What is your final wish?" God said to me.
    DxD: As a Gamer In Filthy World
    Anime & Comics · Orael
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    So...I'm guessing taxes don't exist then. If he's going to blow away all his money that was left after the system tax as if he doesn't have to pay the village taxes.

    "Aoto-chan, you should save your money. It can be used on rainy days. You never know when this money would be required." Teuchi said as he had a little bit of concern in his mind. After the Kyuubi attack, there has been a rumor floating around that there might again be a war between the villages as many villages would try to take action against Konoha since it might have been weakened due to the Tailed Beast attack.
    The Shopkeeper of Konoha
    Anime & Comics · thelightedghost
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    It was pretty stupid to start selling it without checking the system price. What if it actually cost 50ryo each? He'd be losing 5x the money.

    "10 ryo? I earn 150 ryo from 6 cigarettes, which is more than 20 ryo. Damn it's double the price. "
    The Shopkeeper of Konoha
    Anime & Comics · thelightedghost
  • LazyLazer_RSP


    Kuroto looked over and saw the green gourd that reminded him of the small gourd Gaara carried with him to store Sand within it.
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    You went so far into scientific reasoning you skipped an entire section and pulled up a semi-related issue that would've been a major issue. The reason for rejection is the immune system and not genetics. Unless you're transferring the immune system to the clone, they should have their own completely isolated version formed from growing in a test tube. I'm guessing this whole debacle originates from hashirama cell's innate ability to overtake any body it's injected into, but you also have to keep in mind the reason that's 'possible' is because they're unnaturally full of vigor and life from the senju bloodline+sage energy. It's as if every hashirama cell might as well be a super stem cell, which comes complete with all the genetic info to recreate hashirama wolverine style(which was in of itself a half-arsed method the author used to explain why he didn't develop cancer nonstop like deadpool yet anyone else basically forms a new hashirama on their body). Essentially hashirama cells are a cancer that naturally tries to recreate a full hashirama, explaining why even madara had his face growing on his body. I mean you try to survive having a siamese twin suddenly grow from inside your own body in the for a hashirama without your own body have a meltdown.

    The first problem is how to filter out the Yin Chakra from his own cells and the second is how to solve the problem of the rejection reaction between his cells and Haku's cells. After all, the two will have to fuse for the successful cultivation of the Water Clone.
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    Increased by 5mil for his black market bingo; the official bingo was at 20mil and the unofficial was at 25mil.

    And Kuroto's bounty also increased from 20 Million Ryo to 30 Million Ryo, this is probably because Yugito Nii passed back the news about him defeating Uchiha Shinichi, so his danger level increased, but since Kumo can't accurately judge the process of the battle and only vaguely understand that Hyuga Kuroto repelled Uchiha Shinichi, who seem to be using the Susanoo; so, they only increased the amount by 10 Million Ryo.
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    Hundreds of explosions going off under a tree for just touching it, clearly not intended to harm the person who touched it...not suspicious at all that there might've been something important underground. Set up a perimeter and a bunch of seals to record the chakra of anyone that passes by. Have a swathe of sensor ninjas compare and match the specific chakra and poof you have someone you can interrogate for about why they were snooping around a secret hideout built near the barrier seal.

    If anyone attempts to break inside the laboratory the sealing techniques will activate causing hundreds of explosions by the detonation charms hidden under the passage, this will blow up the entire underground passage.
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    Dafuq? He can push/pull a spirit of moryo or whatever who had at minimum the chakra levels of a tailed beast. The hell you mean he can't affect someone who's semi-permeable? It's already confirmed he doesn't need to target something tangible, he just needs to 'see' it to use his power. I'd love to see obito deal with being shoved into the ground and being forced to teleport away or else become tangible whilst something is inside him.

    After all, Kuroto doesn't have any method to stop Obito if he tries to escape. Kuroto has no means to interfere in the Kamui Space, this is also the reason why Kuroto wasn't able to feel Obito's presence even a moment ago when he just came out of that space.
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    It's so like Danzo to persecute war heroes, probably because he's a fake one and can't stand the real ones. It's also so like Hiruzen to just let it happen. What I can't understand however is how there never seems to be any commentary or repercussions towards them from the council meetings for so blatantly targeting and tearing down their village's best so consistently.

    Ch 92 Chapter – 90 Warning and Suspension
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    Seriously a deux ex machina? Could've just overdrafted chakra and created an unending shadow clone army. Escape would be hella easy when you outmatch everyone in taijutsu, plus I doubt they'd be able to handle a hundred revolving heavens going off at the same time. So it's hella easy to wipe them out instead of just escaping.

    Yes, it was the kindness, kindness of a father? A Grandfather? Their Forefather or maybe a Distant Ancestor?
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • LazyLazer_RSP

    Well...that was a pretty stupid command. The anbu's identity although an open secret shouldn't be blatantly pointed out like this. Now everyone knows that the only ninjas that didn't move are definitely in anbu. The command should've been for everyone to disperse and for the anbu to return after donning their uniforms/mask. Only the top most performers would have their identity exposed since it's impossible to hide their trademark moves/styles, but the rest should be still hidden from potential spies. It's not much of a 'secret force' if everyone knew who each member was. Hell the most natural command should have been a secret sign for the anbu to reconvene after leaving alongside everyone else, so that people won't be on the look out for any shinobi not out and about collecting supplies/preparing for departure. Spies would be able to figure out who's anbu via process of elimination if they heard all anbu were summoned, or if the person they're scouting suddenly goes back and forth after a meeting for jonin and then anbu.

    Finally, after one last glance at everyone, Hokage-sama said, "Anbu stays, rest will go back and prepare to depart!"
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • LazyLazer_RSP
    Replied to Alex_Clive

    For those who can't read it, it's basically the wiki entry for Might Guy, his moniker is "Konoha's sublime Green/Blue Beast of Prey". Either scenario makes sense when you consider his eight gates opening is colored blue or green based on the artist's mood. Arguing it needs to be green because of his outfit kind of skips the whole point that he earned his moniker from the technique not his image. Also the japanese version of his title is 'aoi', in japan it's typically blue but the series takes it more as 'azure'(who's spectrum goes from blue to teal/greenish-blue), so it's not helping with narrowing it down between blue/green when some shots have it blue and others green or even straight up both ends of the spectrum at the same time.

    Guy was obviously very happy, he stood in his signature pose, showing his shining white teeth, and said with an energetic laugh, "Ha ha ha ha, I am Konoha's Blue Beast, obviously I am going t be strong!"
    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive