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What has that got to do with my review?
Actually since you want to troll you would know that I actually wrote this book starting back in High School and I initially first posted it on Literotica.com and that included many drafts and rewrites as well, 23 to be exact. Do your own research as if you read this you would see it was in fact the original and mine was stolen. If you read that authors second and third books you would know that they are of a totally different writing style. Simply because the story wasn't his. Get over yourself poser.
if you read the story you would have your answer.
Sex in all forms I meant to say. Sorry the phone autocorrect changed it on me as I typed it.
Every son has a little mommy fetish to some extent. Alex just doesn't want to pursue that course of action. It in the end, would go against his moral compass. Now that doesn't stop Lorelei from sleeping with her. She in all forms empowers her and is align with her true nature. She won't go against Alex and his wishes however so if Alex says no she's bound to it by the ritual.
why wouldn't she kiss someone she's interested in being with?
As of the latest chapter and also before he assimilated Chaotic Energy to complete his mortal path the MC has stated that fully buffed he only hits around 650 UPL. He's never been close to 1100 so I think you might of misread something.
Also, kindly know your facts before you accuse people. Trolls are unwanted here.
Actually this is my original story. If you read the books as you claim you would realize that the following books are completely written different from the original. To make a long story short, I was in the military at the time when I initially posted this story on Literotica in 1998. I took it down as I had plans to publish it and found out someone had taken it. I initially took this to court with sworn affidavits from people I had sought advice from while writing it. I also provided multiple copies of the initial drafts from when I started writing it in my Junior year of high school in 1995. However, because I was in the military in 1998, I was given an ultimatum by the Commander and JAG of my installation after it was all made public. I had to drop the case or face charges for conduct unbecoming for writing pornography while serving Active Duty. The follow on story was thankfully never published online and to this day remains about 60% or so complete. I have had friends read those books and they can tell that there were changes to the initial book and that the 2nd and 3rd books never follow the same writing style as the 1st book. Also to note... there was never any intention to make this a trilogy. It was two books and I have about 10 short stories that would potentially serve as an anthology to complement the story. Parts I took out and decided to make small stories on because honestly, the story is rather long in the first place. Believe it or not, I don't care but I have the paperwork to back my story up. So yes now that I retired from the military after 23 years, I decided to post it back online. I still intend to finish the follow on but unfortunately life has kept me busy this past year.
Overall this was a great read up to completion. However, the end was wrapped up way too quickly. You can tell that the author was in a rush to just end the story. Final chapter the character becomes basically a God and ends it all and creates his own world and universe. Disappointment with the final chapter doesn't begin to describe my feelings upon this final read. This ending should of at least been spread over 5-6 more chapters and remain consistent with the rest of the story.