futuristic veering toward dystopia, but settles nicely into alien contact with a.i. as humanities copilot, opens on post resource wars earth with hybrid sentience becoming the new fashion and all the rage, lumbering depictions of the mentality reboot humanity was forced to undergo as a result of scores of near extinction level events brought on by their previously and completely ignorant corporate mores, foreshadow the invention of new technological deities discussing amongst themselves the potential fates mankind could choose from. several frames of reference are employed in telling this by way of a temporal divergence created by an alien race but mechanized by humans into their own more compatible form.
highly cerebral intentions mingle with those of much more physical means and ends, while a small amount of poetic alliteration interspersed with utter logic drives most of the alien and robotic narratives, the human narratives mostly just evanesce, and sometimes balk, at the unwitting impulses of its creation.
Dan_Willey · Sci-fi