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fun fact the symbiote weakness is not in fact biological but is instead completely physiological it comes from the first symbiote ever created a sword know as the all black. the all black was forged as any sword is in fire and with repeated hammering giving all symbiote's there weakness fire and sound (hammering is not quite). many symbiote have in fact trained away this weakness just by subjecting them selves to fire or sound in small quantities.
size modification (for certain areas only).duel cultivating increase strength of abilities for both parties.
Amazing concept, great characters, and best a new take on old topics mashing multiple clever concepts in new and exciting ways
finally someone brings up the downside to ruling the world. the horrific amount of paperwork
I believe it's connecting points there is 2 layers 1=2 points 1 connect to points 2 3=4,5=6 same
would of called it something like karmic balance dragon
So not to come to the defense of nestle specifically but baby formula saves hundreds if not thousands of babies every year. about 1 in 10 women are not able to provide enough/or any breast milk for their children. I know this because my sister who has two loving little boys was not able to produce any milk for them and because of people thinking that all formula is evil or bad it almost broke her because of all the sidelines comments and silent judgemental looks she got. So please don't knock on the formula it's self it helps so many children all over the world.