


Live for nothing and Die for nothing

2021-01-04 JoinedGlobal

of reading


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  • GreedHunter
    Replied to GreedHunter

    in fact, what happened in the last few chapters, McGonagall gives Allen a broom for flying, realizes that this may not be understood correctly, sends him to the Quiditch team, he shoots a random player, everyone thinks that he is cheating, Artoria understands that she was a bad Mother/ Father, it’s all over, everything that can be placed in one chapter, the dog is on the author, spreads over several chapters, along the way stretching out unnecessary dialogues

    Ch 221 221 Harry Potter: The son is feared, Embarrassing Tearju-sensei and Taking a bath with Minerva?
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • GreedHunter

    The author did not plan to make such a long introduction, I think the author is lying because this dog always does this in all the FFs that I have read by this author, he always does the same thing, everything that can be squeezed in in one paragraph the author makes a whole chapter out of this, unless I already remembered his flawed flashbacks

    Ch 214 214 Harry Potter: Doll 001, she must have been the first... YoRHa No.2 Type B...
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • GreedHunter

    If you call this FF garbage, I will still praise it, such a flawed FF I can safely put it in the top 10 crap that I have read, for all 600+ chapters that I have read, the main character is morally the damage has not grown at all, the plot is so slow that nothing happens in it if you skip chapters you won’t miss anything,reading this FF is the same as playing a stone simulator, and it’s more interesting to play a stone simulator than reading this FF, all we get as a result of the flawed Saiki Kusuo on minimum settings,because for the first 200 chapters all the main character does is constantly repeat I want to be ordinary and blah blah blah, what finally killed me was fucking his fucking hiding his appearance and Nino’s lies, the author released almost 700 chapters and Nino still doesn’t know that she’s in love with the main character, so everyone decided “fuck it, let’s not tell her anything, so that later she’ll find out and hate everyone” , it's just just a pile of crap with another pile of crap put on top of it

    People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular
    Anime & Comics · Takamiya_Shin
  • GreedHunter

    The more I read this the more sick I get, it's like an unfinished Saiki Kusuo

    Ch 114 Gabriel, help me
    People with Superpowers Don’t Want to Be Popular
    Anime & Comics · Takamiya_Shin
  • GreedHunter
    Replied to Hazy_0832

    Your main character went through betrayal and other crap and wanderings for 16 years, it’s not noticeable that he matured morally

    Ch 30 30 - Beautiful Things
    Betrayed, I Met The Demon Lord
    Fantasy · Hazy_0832
  • GreedHunter
    Replied to Hazy_0832

    You behave like a crying baby who was not praised once

    Ch 30 30 - Beautiful Things
    Betrayed, I Met The Demon Lord
    Fantasy · Hazy_0832
  • GreedHunter

    I was expecting a story about revenge and so on, but in the end I got an eternally whining protagonist who throughout all this time remained with the brain of a child

    Ch 30 30 - Beautiful Things
    Betrayed, I Met The Demon Lord
    Fantasy · Hazy_0832
  • GreedHunter

    Great clickbait dog author

    Ch 188 188 Three new Dolls, New Worlds? and Stark Expo.
    I Stream DC on Marvel
    Anime & Comics · Mr_Aizen
  • GreedHunter

    The level of cringe has currently reached its maximum value, most likely the author himself is a cringe lord

    Ch 107 Chapter 106
    The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows
    Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • GreedHunter

    And here he is again, an author with a potato brain who decided to nerf his character for idiotic reasons in order to eventually make him OP again, every second webnovel author is like this, they do OP character to start nerfing him to make everything even worse than it was, I’m not even talking about the fact that they spent a whole month getting to Luke’s house riding griffins, even if they were attacked in the process I don't know that it took them a long time to get there

    Ch 33 Chapter 33
    Percy Jackson: Son of Hades - Prince of the Underworld
    Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
  • GreedHunter

    the author asked for feedback on what I read and I can say that it was written quite well, since I’ve been reading short stories or ff I’ve already stopped paying attention to grammar, it’s not so important if you’re a new writer, because the most important thing is the plot, here the plot is not bad, but unfortunately for me it is at the level of drama of Chinese short stories, as usual, everyone turned their backs on the main character and abandoned everyone and he decided to return to his former life and again become a withdrawn idiot so that in the end he would get a happy ending, I don’t I say that this is bad, this is the usual cliche with all the things that have to happen, plus the combination of incompatible plot and characters is not bad at all, and it is clear that the author wanted to correctly convey the very essence of the characters and their feelings about their loved ones and how they want to be close to them, but for me it’s not like I could read and wait for continuation, I read everything that was there and because I was drunk and I was bored, and yet I’m here and sharing my opinion, still in the same state, and yet I I believe that there will be people who will like it and they will decide to support the author in his endeavors, and I also wish the author good luck, peace:з

    The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)
    Anime & Comics · The_Mystry
  • GreedHunter

    I don’t know why I read everything that was there, but my opinion is that this is a very strange FF and I don’t think I’ll continue reading, but maybe someone will like it

    Ch 53 The Demon of Moon
    The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)
    Anime & Comics · The_Mystry
  • GreedHunter

    The author smells like a lonely dog

    Ch 188 Ch. 181 - Why he's called the Lucifer
    Chronicles of the Multiversal Wanderer
    Movies · SlimeSage
  • GreedHunter


    Ch 182 my phone got stolen
    Chronicles of the Multiversal Wanderer
    Movies · SlimeSage
  • GreedHunter
    Replied to ParodyGirl

    Well, what did you expect author, people come here to see the adventure of the main character and kumoko and watch this drama where he slowly grows, then everyone who is not too lazy to push him so that he grows , then we will wait another 100,500 chapters for kumoko to meet or find the one who sent him here, if I want to read something like this, I’ll read a Chinese book, there’s enough of it

    Ch 21 Chapter 20 - D.
    Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? - Edit System
    Anime & Comics · ParodyGirl
  • GreedHunter

    This can be safely abandoned, I was expecting cute adventures in a dungeon, where the main character and kumoko grow up together, but here, as always, the author ruined everything kek

    Ch 21 Chapter 20 - D.
    Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? - Edit System
    Anime & Comics · ParodyGirl
  • GreedHunter

    Spending a whole volume just to invade one planet, the author is such a good guy (no)

    Ch 234 Chapter 19 - Part 6 - Mysterious World of the Goddess
    Winds of Change (DxD)
    Anime & Comics · Fictitiouz
  • GreedHunter

    I still continue to be surprised that they need to attack the enemy in a group when their strength level is many times greater and at the same time they still need to develop a strategy, the level of cringe is just off the charts

    Ch 227 Chapter 18 - Part 4 - Rekindled Light
    Winds of Change (DxD)
    Anime & Comics · Fictitiouz
  • GreedHunter
    Replied to Jayson_Ultrix


    Ch 145 Ch. 139 - Fear the Monsters!
    Chronicles of the Multiversal Wanderer
    Movies · SlimeSage
  • GreedHunter
    Replied to Jayson_Ultrix


    Ch 145 Ch. 139 - Fear the Monsters!
    Chronicles of the Multiversal Wanderer
    Movies · SlimeSage