I'm clearly a god that happens to love reading not much to say... so how are you bio reader.. As of writing this I'm doing pretty good
of reading
Read books
I do as well hmm. sus
the story is pretty good one of the better ones of this fandom the only problem would be the first few chapters being a little annoying but it does get better quickly
He doesn't care about race but is acting to blend in why make enemies with people who you will have to work with in the future.. (Im pretty sure thats what i was going with at the time lol)
I agree going to use them for higher level dungeons as I don't plan on him being there long it is a Marvel story after all 😆
I don't consider it a Multiverse as he not really going to different worlds just dungeons basically a one time event after doing it he will return so it is a Marvel story with a few one time crossovers
A sorcerer's ambition by dark wolf shiro And Systematic Shinobi by 0 Jordinio 0 I also read The spider again They are found on fanfiction
Ok I'm done with this story but I will answer this you have 3 options one , Sith two , Jedi , three non force user. Now I wanted my MC to be a bad guy since I was done with reading the I'm to good for you Jedi I know best how could you kill some one I know we are in war but that's bad your evil MC so that left me with two options Sith or non force and since you saw that I was going for a OP MC that took out the the later of the two
Now that you mentioned that I may or not have forgotten to write that 😅 I thought I did but could be wrong
Nope working on next chapter should be out tomorrow or Saturday