

2020-12-25 JoinedGlobal

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  • Janice_Gunter

    Wow Amee I can't believe I got to read 50 chapters straight .. This is as amazing story as ever .. I waited for a follow up to Zev and Sashas journey to this world I read about the Queen El and Aaron ... This is an awesome story .. Tarkin deserves this and Hearth found him just in time ... Thank you so much for another awesome story X X X X

    Ch 50 The Wonder of You – Part 2*
    Mated to the Warrior Beast
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    Let's hope the portals are both closed and this arragant pig of a human is toppled as well .. I mean if the voices need the portals surly when the close the voices will be confused about the ones trapped . Wouldn't they???

    "Our allies gave us safe passage, yes. Does that disappoint you? That we could so easily influence them when you've been trapped by them for centuries?"
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    No Gars drugged ... How will Rika save him now .. My hearts in my mouth can't take this

    "You move," a voice said from over him in the position of dominance, "And I will literally blow your brains out."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    Wait I'm confused I thought Elia was human,, but she can shift ??? I hope they get help to find it before it's to late ..

    "I don't know," Reth said, his voice heavy with resignation. "The Protectors were going to sniff it out. But I'm sure that one of us will. I know we have to find the landbridge to the other side and head up and east."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    Gar should let her go do what she knows and be ready ... I know she's going to go while he's with Tarkin... You go girl good luck we are rooting for you

    He watched her carefully, there was an odd thread running through her scent—a touch of grief. A steel resolve twined through it.
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    I knew Reece had an important role to play .... He is almost human and no one is any thing like him in anima ..... Oh I hope he succeeds with this task set for him by the creator .... You go Reece make everyone proud especially your parents ..

    Gahrye swallowed, but turned to his son, one hand on his shoulder. "It's a chance, right? And Gar's right, you need a purpose. Please, Son. Please… I have to go. I have to get back to your mother. I'd feel so much better if I knew you had something important to do. A new focus."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    So glad they are travelling together .. It's the right thing to do ... Together for ever

    But there'd been no choice. They'd stood in the clearing and watched as his parents—rolled together into one of the cargo hammocks with four birds, one at each corner—took off and flew into the night sky.
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    He tried but don't listen

    "Why didn't you tell me?"
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    Greece is a grown male he should understand why everything is happening .. It's all for HIS safety... Thank the creator that his parents love him more than enough to put him first

    "And what about Mom? I didn't even get to say goodbye!"
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    An army that they must fight . .but how .. Lorren must have been more than worried and could see the urgency that's why it had to be his mate and daughter charged with getting through

    "Then I was almost caught among them when a new group arrived, a large group, and they said it had been closed for the night, no more would come until morning." She took a deep breath and looked at her daughter. "That was when Lerrin sent us. Because we realized they weren't stopping, they were bringing through an army."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    Else right they can't afford to wait just incase ...I'm a bit worried about the shoot to kill order it can't back fire... Can they beat humans And technology??? It's doubtful... All they can do is try... Try and pray the creator hasn't planned on wiping out the anima but will show them the way to win and stay free.

    "Good. Then no one else after that, okay? Warn them, I'll have the guards on a kill on sight order. Once that final person has passed, we'll assume anyone else coming wants to defeat us."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    At last it's beginning . The mate bond... Let's hope let's all hope it clicks into place

    Something was happening between them. She didn't know what, but it made her heart race, and urged her body even closer to his.
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    AIMEEEE I don't know how much more I can take ... It's all going to end in heartbreak .. Our sobs and cries will be heard all across the lands .... El be strong and Rika please be safe Gar needs you more than you know .... Reth ,Elia, Ghear ( I know spelt wrong sorry ) Kalle ... Your so much apart of our lives ,... My heart is breaking for you

    "A wise man once told me that at some point we have to just make the decisions as best we can, and trust the Creator to take care of the rest. I think we can all agree that right now, this is that time." She looked around the cave, meeting eyes with each of them, ending on Gar. "Anima, attend," she said solemnly. "We are called to save our world."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    It's better El doesn't know what her parents have to do ... She will be devastated and that will make her doubt .. If El is to concentrate on trying to save all anima she needs to be focused not distracted by facts she can not change

    How could she even consider this? But as Elreth asked questions and Rika had answers for all of them, he could only stand there, helpless, while his sister was convinced. She began to nod and glance at Tarkyn for any questions or resistance in his mind. 
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    It might be Gar he is the alpha protector ... But he is not disformef so it may have to be Aaron .. Unless we have missed someone

    "You can't see it as asking them to hurt for you, Elia. Whoever does it, whoever is willing… it will be because of their love, too. It will be because the Creator inspired that in them. It's what… what we were made for," Gahrye rasped.
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    Not fair not fair at all ... How ? ? How can the creator expect anyone to watch their true mate, the one he made for them die ... So so heartbreaking I'm so tearful as it is because it was my daughters birthday yesterday she was killed by drunk driver in 1992 6 weeks before her 15th birthday .. .. I ,I thought a good read would distract me for a few seconds,, But once again my dear Aimee you have me right in the feels X

    Gahrye sighed. "Those lines are for us, Reth. You and me. Love is the hope of the Anima. Humility will be our guide. They will love… they will love everyone enough to give themselves. And we… what's more humbling than giving up the heart you love most to save others? Tell me. Because I can't think of it."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    Obviously what dud he expect .. Promises to keep calm will never come before his true mate theove of his life noway no way at all.

    Reth exploded.
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    So ... Are we to loose Elia ... Is Reth going to be alone, ,without his true mate his life , his whole reason to live ,,, his one and only???.. NO NO MO noooo that's to cruel to heartbreaking ...

    Gahrye shook his head. "No, Elia… You have to give yourself… to the voices."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    That's got to be Rika and Elia. .. Well I think so... El is so angry at everyone.. I don't think she means to be, I think it's fear aggression as in most animals when they are afraid of what's coming... I also believe that Reece will find his true mate in anima,, one of the protectors maybe???.

    Gahrye cleared his throat. "We thought that was it. That we'd identified Kalle and Elia. That they were the two females—both True Mates of Anima. Combined with what I was given about the disformed, and the histories around the Protectors… we were just looking for the second half to be fulfilled in the Protectors themselves. But we were wrong…"
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn
  • Janice_Gunter

    Perhaps it's Aaron he is the one ,, THE Queens protector... Something about the prophecy that they haven't understood till now... Is Aaron the only one that can close the portals???.. As always you got me right in the tear ducts Aimee ... Sorry have not read for a year or so been in and out of hospital .. And yet again the Doctors were wrong I can sit up, I can see, I can stand and take 8 steps... And I DO believe it's you dear Amee that has kept me from giving up .. Thank you for such awesome books... What is the next one called please... X X X HUGS

    "That was insane," Gar muttered as they both stalked along the tunnel, the two guards at the end coming to their feet, obviously surprised to see them back so quickly. "Either you're the strongest protector we've ever seen, or something is happening to the voices Aaryn. Because that's just… that's just insane."
    Taming the Queen of Beasts
    Fantasy · AimeeLynn