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  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago

    Sara was boring, I start the next one and get better, then shit on the character, this fight between them is already boring, he doesn't need to resolve their relationship, but he and the fucking leader, at least he has to make her respect he, he lets her betray the faction in front of all rival groups. is focusing on making his clown mc, and his bribes from traitors

  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago

    did he post again? because there was no cap

  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago

    it seemed that the pace was going to accelerate, but with this many presentations and characters from the ordeal, it looks like it will be long again, and I feel it

  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago
    Replied to DarkestOne

    I think the problem itself is not that the ordeal is long, but as only 1 cap a day goes out, the long ordeal ends up being dragged away. the things that happen in the ordeal are very interesting, but he focuses so much on them, that the coolest part, the real world itself, and everything that is happening is getting a little forgotten. but as i said i think the best novel here on the site, i just think that the best part is not getting focus, and the part that "was" to be secondary takes almost all focus

  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago

    your novel is very good, to find the best on the site. but I like it a lot more with this faster rhythm that seems to be coming. even though I liked it a lot, I found the two trials a little lengthy, especially the second one, ex: several cap to get out of the sea, ex: cap Tim and others. The most interesting part is the world with various races and the things of the oracle, but the focus so far has been very much on trials. I think that trials, very fast 10-15 cap and focusing on the world and things of the oracle, was going to give a very good gas. but as your novel is very good, her universe has a lot of interesting things, congratulations for the incredible work.

  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago
    Replied to Arkinslize

    your novel is very good, to find the best on the site. but I like it a lot more with this faster rhythm that seems to be coming. even though I liked it a lot, I found the two trials a little lengthy, especially the second one, ex: several cap to get out of the sea, ex: cap Tim and others. The most interesting part is the world with various races and the things of the oracle, but the focus so far has been very much on trials. I think that trials, very fast 10-15 cap and focusing on the world and things of the oracle, was going to give a very good gas. but as your novel is very good, her universe has a lot of interesting things, congratulations for the incredible work.

  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago
    Replied to Beatme

    as I remember, she said that it’s only after his planet leaves protection time, before that it is forbidden for others to interfere

  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago
    Replied to Asfyr

    now i found it, i don't know why but it wasn't showing up before, there must have been a bug. thank you so much

  • JoaoMafer
    JoaoMafer4 years ago
    Replied to Asfyr

    didn't find it, for me it starts in chapter 1, and there were no others before