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I feel like the books would have had a very different conclusion if the ancient language didn't have a true name. I think the fact that it was a thing made galbatorix focus on learning it, and once he knew it, let him be less proactive towards the end because of the kind god-complex it gave him. if it's no longer around, won't he be more proactive in going out to defend his holdings and be a much bigger threat to the armies than he was in the books?
looks cool
*sigh*but that's the thing, I get that you need to play through the game to really understand what's happening in progression but it feels like you're not opening up the character beyond what is happening in the confines of the game. the praise the sun thing was more about the underlying belief in the sun than the physical sun itself. I get that it's fake, but that doesn't change what it's meant to represent and inspire.I get that it's ment to be in the dark souls world right now, so having the Greek gods interacting with the wider world doesn't really make sense, but they have a foothold to interact with and through. I'm not expecting you to have them just come out of no where to fuck with the world. but something like Thanatos, one of the Greek gods of death taking notice that someone who should reasonably, at least partially be under his domain, keeps dying repeatedly, but doesn't stay that way for long. would that break the world? you can argue that he'd have no real control of any of the other undead or hollows because they are under the domain of a different pantheon. heck, with percy being stuck in that cycle to he wouldn't even be able to keep percy dead.the pyromancy stuff, sure I might have come across as against it, but I do get that it's a valuable mechanic of the game that can be life-saving like any of the other magics that it allows. All I wanted to say was that realistically, Percy would probably find some kind of difficulty with it, considering the fact that it should conflict with his nature as a demigod of the sea.But you do you. Don't let my thoughts harsh your vibe. I've just been trying to find a dark souls crossover with something other than another FromSoftware work for a while. The title caught my eye, but the content isn't my cup of tea. If this is how you want to run your story, then I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor. *end sigh* Don't go hollow.
It doesn't feel like a percy Jackson dark souls crossover, it kinda reads like a novelization of a darksouls play through with some extra flavor text added in here and there to make it seem like a crossover. There is so much more possible than just some tiny little flecks of the Percy Jackson world thrown in. Like the fact that you've made Percy a pyromancer, Rick Roridan has put into place that the Greek gods hate it when another god, or another god's child, encroaches on their divinity. I mean, that was the premise of the first book, and it keeps getting brought up later on in the series. Sure, most of the Greek gods or goddesses that have something to do with fire are depicted as kinda chill, but they are still Greek gods/goddesses, and pety comes with the territory.Now sure, you can argue that dark souls pyromancy comes from the first flame and the dark soul, which are separate from the greeks, but that doesn't change the fact that percy has a spark of greek divinity right there inside of him ready to feel him use pyromancy. also, a side note on that praise the sun gets heard by Apolo, and he'd recognize that you, a Greek demigod, are not praising him.sighlook, I really enjoy the idea of a Percy Jackson cross with Dark Souls. there's so much you can do there, but you've basically thrown out most of the Percy Jackson lore, and individuality of the main character. Right now, I would never call this story a Percy Jackson Dark Souls crossover.
I know I'm commenting on the others desire for it to be In meters
bigger than most D&D adult dragons
owl house might be interesting
batman has his own satellites, he doesn't need to rely on th JL