


Just the your average shmuck reading what he likes till the end of his time. Then he tried writing and feels the pain of an author when creativity is being squeezed out.

2020-12-11 JoinedUnited States



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  • Kurijoben

    Isn’t there a loophole here for Lathel? If he dies, he can just revive with the Nature God’s gift. So if he just dies before he falls in love with Lilith, he’ll win the bet and still be alive.

    "This game doesn't end unless you or Lilith die, and you still don't love each other."
    The supporting character's harem is very normal
    Fantasy · HikaruKiki
  • Kurijoben

    Huh? She doesn’t have a maid to serve tea? Is she hated by the servants so much she doesn’t have a personal servant? Or maybe the culture in this world is different.

    We sat at a table and she served me tea.
    Reincarnated in an Otome game as a background character
    Fantasy · Siegburn
  • Kurijoben

    I thought the first carriage Lathel rode from Ryne was pulled by a Drake. Alec saw that drake so . . . I forgot. Alec is kind of stupid.

    Hearing that, Alec also felt a bit worried and asked: "Is there a fire-type Drake-type monster in this world?"
    The supporting character's harem is very normal
    Fantasy · HikaruKiki
  • Kurijoben
    Replied to Not_SkeleBlade

    I feel like it’s more of “you can insult me but not my [insert important person (friend/family/lover)] type of situation. Lathel doesn’t care as much if he is being attacked and he cares much more when people close to him are being attacked.

    Kindness is only for kind people, the kind of people who can say things like wanting to rape and kill people easily, like Daton were the kind of people that Lathel absolutely hated.
    The supporting character's harem is very normal
    Fantasy · HikaruKiki
  • Kurijoben
    Replied to Silver_meteor0418

    It seems pretty easy to get around the path he took. It is only restricted to himself so he could get anyone else to take care of the mother if he needs to.

    "Sure, I swear it", he casually said, and the usual light of a soul oath surrounded him for a second.
    The rise of the pervert primordial
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • Kurijoben

    . . . What? Why? Failure means ruining your relationship with these two and revealing your secret technique. You could have just waited to try this out on another prisoner or someone you definitely were going to kill. Even doing this on a nearby area/item while people where around to see if they noticed would be far better. Plus, it is unknown if the mark disappears overtime or not. Now these two have an obvious mark on them that they may or may not see later. This action the MC took can’t even be reasoned away and is just idiocy.

    Xiao Shi silently observed the two of them. He realized that the two of them did not have any abnormal reactions and did not notice that he had left a mark on their bodies.
    I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
    Eastern · Three Questions
  • Kurijoben
    Replied to Neadless

    I agree. Such investigative questions must be worded broadly and more open-ended. Or perhaps not even worded as a question. You should word it in a way as if you are just striking up a conversation about small talk.

    "How do I activate the secret technique crystal?" Xiao Shi asked the most crucial point.
    I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
    Eastern · Three Questions
  • Kurijoben

    Judging by these words we can confidently say that although the missions may be random, if you are in Team D you will get a Team D level mission.

    "Actually, for us night patrollers with certain qualifications, even if we're unlucky and receive the most difficult mission, we don't have to be too desperate because we can exchange missions with each other." Wang Changhuan said to Xiao Shi as he drank. "For example, if I receive the most difficult mission, I will look for the experts in Team D to make an exchange."
    I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
    Eastern · Three Questions
  • Kurijoben

    Well since there are 4 separate teams, we can assume each team has a separate pool of missions (missions suitable for that team). Then those already categorized missions are randomly assigned to each person (Ex) A random Team B mission being given to a random Team B recruit) So if the MC is unlucky then he will get a difficult mission but only a mission that’s difficult for the average Team D recruit

    "That's right." The short-haired youth nodded. "The missions are randomly assigned. What kind of missions you can receive depends on luck. If you receive the simplest patrolling mission, it will naturally be easy to complete. However, if you receive the most difficult mission…
    I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
    Eastern · Three Questions
  • Kurijoben

    They gave them 3 days but since you can only cultivate at night they only really got 1.5 days to cultivate the technique

    Secondly, the cultivation of this cultivation technique had to be carried out at night. If it was daytime, cultivation would not have any effect.
    I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
    Eastern · Three Questions
  • Kurijoben

    By “safest” I assume it is more of being the safest in not letting anyone see that he has undergone body tempering. It is best to not show that you had contact with such rare heavenly treasures. Therefore, even if it cost his chances of becoming an inner disciple, I still think it is best to not reveal his true cultivation level. Furthermore, since people think he is Level 4 then they will put him against Level 4 threats which he will be able to easily defeat making it easy to farm rewards. Also, it will increase his chances of becoming an inner disciple if he can show that he can defeat enemies higher than Level 4 even when he himself is only Level 4 (what everyone else sees) So overall, it is a pretty good choice to stay low profile to this extent.

    The people in Team D were basically mediocre outer sect disciples. They would not receive any attention here. It was the most ordinary and inconspicuous. Relatively speaking, it was also the safest.
    I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
    Eastern · Three Questions
  • Kurijoben

    It somewhat makes sense. The quality of items he gets from his loot drops are always exceptional. So perhaps this storage bad is the best storage bag at the Martial-Entry Level.

    Now that he had a storage bag, he did not have to worry about having too many items. After all, the space inside this Martial Entry-Level storage bag was as big as a football field.
    I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
    Eastern · Three Questions
  • Kurijoben

    Huh, so certain corpses don’t explode. Perhaps only bodies of beings with cultivation can withstand the process of dropping loot. Therefore a “mortal being” would have their body explode due to the process of the treasure formation.

    Even the insect king could not withstand a punch from Xiao Shi and was hammered to death on the spot. However, its corpse did not explode like the Piebald Worm. While it was well preserved, a brown-covered book fell out.
    I Maximize My Item-dropping Rate
    Eastern · Three Questions
  • Kurijoben
    Replied to Love_C_raft

    It seems more like a “common sense built upon experience” thing. It’s like using chopsticks for a meal I until you realize what you are currently eating can be eaten easier with a fork.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Celestial Ascension
    Fantasy · LittleBastard879
  • Kurijoben
    Replied to HeroCultivator

    Futhermore, typical protagonist characters are often average or slightly above average looking (at least at first) in order to connect with the reader so it’s easier for a person to relate and connect with the protagonist. On the other hand male leads and heroines are “dream romances” that the protagonist gets to have (the reader wishes to have). Our author perfectly points that out during these few chapters.

    'She did not have heavenly protection of heaven like heroines do, Which job was preventing my charm from affecting them too much, So she was feeling the full extent of my charm.'
    Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.
    Urban · ForManaga
  • Kurijoben
    Replied to

    A female lead is a woman as a female protagonist where their story is centered around them. A heroine is a woman who belongs to a protagonist’s camp and is their love interest. Protagonists often have multiple love interests. Therefore, female leads often have an option of a reverse harem while heroines are usually members of a protagonist’s harem.

    'She did not have heavenly protection of heaven like heroines do, Which job was preventing my charm from affecting them too much, So she was feeling the full extent of my charm.'
    Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.
    Urban · ForManaga
  • Kurijoben

    Oh . . . well my previous comment feels awkward now.

    "But with my current status, no one in Sins Paradise will be strong enough to beat me anyway. Also, thanks to my new title, 'King of The World, ' and my new skill, 'Ill Status Immunity,' I believe the side effect of having many Sins will be nullified too."
    Sins Paradise: Domination System
    Fantasy · MarudameOssan
  • Kurijoben

    Maybe wish for both unlimited Sins and Virtues (keeping them separate so they don’t cancel each other out)? Wouldn’t it be awkward if the drawbacks of having Unlimited Sins ruined your “vacation”.

    That was why people in that world rather kept themselves and didn't accumulate a lot of Sins and chose to act kind to accumulate Virtues to protect themselves from falling to other people's Sins. The ones in the Sin Kingdom also often kept their Sins 0 to keep themselves sane.
    Sins Paradise: Domination System
    Fantasy · MarudameOssan
  • Kurijoben
    Replied to Sinful_Cyanide

    I imagine the Cosmoc Emperor looked down on him one day and decided to be extra petty and made it so Alex would lose that $100 bill, but not normally lose it. No that would be too simple especially for someone that gave him a green hat. Alex would lose it within his own wallet and in the near future he would be “unfortunately” robbed and the thieves would find that $100 when Alex believed he had no money. Not only would Alex be depressed in losing that much money unexpectedly, the thieves would also be enraged that Alex hid money from them and beat him excessively.

    It was a hundred-dollar bill fortunately. Although it wasn't enough to cover the taxi fare till his destination, it was enough to make Alex richer than even his wildest imaginations.
    Pleasure System:I'm The God of Sex
    Fantasy · different_minds
  • Kurijoben

    . . . ? I agree, why random? Did he have to collaborate with a Goddess of Systems to create this system? Is there some universal system law that requires a random reward in order to have a chance to get better quality rewards?

    [You will randomly regain one of the skills from when you were a god.]
    Pleasure System:I'm The God of Sex
    Fantasy · different_minds