

2020-12-10 JoinedGlobal

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  • Standoda
    Standoda2 years ago
    Replied to antmanFN

    If you want the canon version, it's pretty much one of the most popular web novels. Just google Worm/Parahumans series by Wildbow and you are golden. If you want some fanfictions on worm, i recommand Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity and AO3, all three are forums with a good collection of works, many not finished but worth looking into. But be careful because the worm series are in the "Grimdark" range, it's a superhero world were things are really sh*tty and are not going up. Kinda as if the Marvel and DC universe had an drunk and not consensual foursome with The Boys and Berserk, got scared of it when it was born, abandonned it an alley, it got found by the darknet mafia and the gangsters got scared of it as well...

  • Standoda
    Standoda2 years ago

    Honestly ? First thing i would do would be to "concept travel" to the pokemon multiversality. The "gods" there (Arceus, Palkia, Regigigas and so much more) are all kinda chill AF even the emo evil ones like Darkrai. And since even the fricking Pidgeys can become near WMD in the right circumstances ? The inner world would quickly become some kinda ranch/PC system where city-wrecking pseudo legendaries and God Mons would hang around. And the crown on his head would get justified making him a "king of beasts". Since his concept is travelling after all, why wouldn't it be with company ?

  • Standoda
    Standoda2 years ago

    In the bit of lore that i remember, aren't volantis slaves tattooed on the face to indicate their roles ?

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  • Standoda
    Standoda2 years ago

    First review in a while, but hey, to you ape-author ! Gotta say it's starting in the right tracks, try to not deviate and and just end up with another lackey to the golden trio or a young master Stu who spends his time threatening everyone without consequences will ya ? Both are the right way to land in dumbles' twinkling crosshairs. For the first few years, except for emergency canon rectification, just keep away from the main plot and keep on learning and growing, gotta gring on that Voice to shout voldy apart ! I personnaly wouldn't interfere too much until at least the tournament or the DA's time. Still wondering if you are gonna include spells from skyrim mods or make OC ones (maybe not whole schools but just something to flesh it out a bit?). That also brings the question of how the two magic system stack up against each other. From what i saw, raw power goes to Skyrim, versatility to HP. Same for TES enchanting and alchemy, they should be quite different from their HP counterpart, but by how much ? At least he can buy the filled soul gems and the giants toes from the system, so we can keep Hagrid alive. For a bit longer at least. Finally, while it IS very soon to talk about it since they are still at the stage of the cooties, (and dumbles is the only groomer here) you should maybe think about what is gonna be the love interest. To me, we read way too much with Hermionne, Daphnée, Susan Bones or Fleur. So you could stay with the clichés (they are clichés for a reason) but i would be partial to a original one, like Su Li (go asian wuxia power) or one of the Patil sister (go indian power) they are atypical enough to me. Keep up with the love and bananas young apes

  • Standoda
    Standoda3 years ago
    Replied to _Khaled_

    I think he meant that Chisaki had the Hegemony on the battlefield. It's an old way to say "the right to rule". Like a King have the Hegemony over his lands. Chisaki has been until now a king on the battlefield, none of these konohan peasants could contest him.

  • Standoda
    Standoda3 years ago

    A psychopatic version of Esteban and friends in "The mysterious golden cities" ? I DIG

  • Standoda
    Standoda3 years ago
    Replied to Taidanotsumi

    Indeed and divine in the case of the Olympus and Dawnbreaker. Don't know what is the attribute for the god of war MacGuffin, but Dawnbreaker is definitely holy with all it's smiting the undead attributes. Tho the divinity that give it to you in skyrim is ... ambivalent at best. For Ryujin and suigetsu, they are blades the shinigami use to purify hollows, so that makes them holy weapons. Not sure about Muramasa since it's got so many different versions in fiction, but Ascalon is definitely holy. Just like Avalon who is the sheath of Excalibur. I think Balmung is the only confirmed "demonic" sword in your selection. Sorry

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  • Standoda
    Standoda3 years ago
    Replied to Sekiyuutei_7

    Half of these are "holy" swords mate

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  • Standoda
    Standoda3 years ago

    Frostmourne from World of Warcraft of course. Incredibely styled, with necrotic and frost powers. You could also use Bleach swords. Maybe Not the Shinigami's zanpakuto's since they purify the souls they strike so they are "holy". Even if you already were making a Hyourinmaru. Instead you have the weapons of the Espada to take. Los Lobos from Stark, Arrogante from Barragan, Tiburon from Harribel or Murcielago from Ulquiorra.

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  • Standoda
    Standoda3 years ago

    huh... While hinata is indeed BS for her age, kimimaro didn't do anything "talented" did he ? I mean he IS the most gifted kaguya in generations but ... All he had to do was let himself be coiled then sprout spike all over, like he does at the opening of each fight... He basically killed luffy wanabe by entering his fighting stance. Hiruzen is basically commenting how talented this giant hedgehog was to defeat this constrictor snake by just existing.