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INIQUITY: Absence of Light

R: "Do you really think you could get away with this?" A: "I beg your pardon?" R: "You're the only gutsy one who would do this sorta thing. So don't go acting like you don't know anything." A: "I don't know what you're talking about." E: "H-hey guys...? What's going on? I-is something wrong?" R: "SHUT YER TRAP!!! I left my mom's homemade cookies inside this box yesterday just before I get to sleep! There's no way it would just disappear!?!" A: "I didn't eat anything! Why blame me?" My day started like this. I passed a difficult exam to get to the famous Denver Heroes Academy to be a hero just like my parents... But why am I stuck in a middle of a fight on who ate what!?! Just 6 years ago, the infamous villain organization called the Crimson Knights tried to invade the Central City killing thousands of innocent people. My parents were part of the reinforcement unit of the International Heroes Association, fighting a deadly battle in order to protect many people and died in the line of job. Aiming to be a hero, I enrolled at the prestigious Denver Heroes Academy in order to fulfill my dreams... ... Even though I am famous as the only ability-less student in my previous schools. Now I am stuck in a group with a fireball thrower, a scaredy-cat, a sassy spoiled child, a korean leaf blower, a lazy genius and an earth bender with anger issues. Time passes as we strengthen our bonds, overcoming obstacles together as a whole. Meanwhile, a new fearful power emerges from the forces of Crimson Knights, lurking in the iniquity of night in the name of... The Nightmare Devil.

KaNaGo13 · Urban
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10 Chs