I love reading. Especially if it is revenge, system, transmigration, or apocalypse fiction.
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the two flavors are not as harmonious a match as you might think. it's like eating beef and chocolate. Eat at your own risk, unless you are a professional then best of 🤞 luck.
here's your eternal reward: South Park made this episode dedicated to people like him.
I have personally been in three of them two e-f-3 rankting and a the most hellish one to date e-f-5. I still have severe PTSD every time I hear we have a severe thunderstorm warning. And once those sirens sound I feel mortal peril. God just typing that took me back to right before the direct hit we took and we only survived because my neighbors had a underground industrial cooler.
I would pay good money to watch that type of fight!
a sign of wisdom.. why it is still seen all over the world in many different cultures as a sign of wealth and wisdom. Because if that guy/gal can be fat in these circumstances then they must have the right connections and the knowledge of how to use them.
that paragraph made me so hungry 😭! I want to eat it already! stop the teasing devil author!
hear,hear! spoken like a true scumbag!
YET,lol famous last words.