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He turned into a cowardly who don't kill nobody in future, become a weak mc after star boundary arc.
random guy who can't write nothing coming with a useless comment in a dropped fanfic... interesting hahaha
I really hate when people mix xianxia with anime works... But this is still readable
Você escreve bem, muito bem, porém nunca termina nenhum de seus romances por melhores que sejam, bom autor, mas zero de compromisso. É isso, não vou ler outras de suas obras inacabadas, mas te desejo boa sorte.
so what? i need explain to you why i do it in my own fanfic?
you can just write your own fanfic, i don't care with your opinion anyway.
so sorry many people post similar comments many times, I stop writing for that and another reasons
so what? if you don't like just don't read it, wtf
fuc* the hell out of here if you don't like, this is my ff, i do all i want
if i hate, i hate, i don't need explain it to you, or i need?