Love Bites!
Let the record show that I've done everything in my power NOT to be a total loser.
But as I stand here, about to meet my death, I realize that I’ve not only failed, but I’ll never get the chance to try again. I was never popular with the guys. I was never popular with ANYONE, not even my parents. Prue Livingston, cheer captain, rich and beautiful, and my best friend, was probably only so out of pity, while her boyfriend, Ethan, is the love of my life. Because that’s just how my story goes. With a name like Aphrodite, I should be amongst the luckiest with love, but I'm not. I'm scrawny, with breasts as flat as my behind, and hair as wiry and reddish as car cables. I'm nothing; a nobody. But this monster before me, had a look on its face, a look promising me a new purpose, and I find myself wishing I could be invisible again. Because hey, it's better than being eaten.
"You're going to thank me for this," it says, and I almost want to believe it's true.
DRemi777 · Fantasy