Wowwwww, you meow like a cat! That means you are one, right? Shut the fuck up. If you really want to be put on a leash and treated like a domestic animal then that’s called a fetish, not “quirky”
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Well can't win em all.Try again next time.Oliver..Avalon..Do better.You can do so much better than you showed here. Well guess i was wrong about some big event happening here,I'll munch balls on that one.
Finally that was like 30 chapters or so.Nice to have your attention...soo..What's the plans when ya see the wife huh? Romantic night away from the kids finally?, if ya know what a guys saying hehe wink wink nudge nudge.Its been how long since you've arrived here?
Bro here really has to throw that in just for the cool factor huh.Well it's over the Tournament of worlds has reached its end.some students and some instructors have tasted defeat today.Lets see everyone learned from this.
(it's ight) Hmm very good use of power by Serena.However,i feel like she needs a lil bit of a mind expansion. Perseverance is good to have but too much and you can lock yourself in avoidable problems.Everything in moderation.Hint hint.
Honestly same Keltic lol.The demonic world huh, wonder what problem is going on there?I'll feel right at home around such evil.Oh yeah there also your wife and the fried chicken chick.(That's a over 200 chapter reference lol).
alright we are almost done now.
Oh that's something i nearly forgot about.HAH told her I was telling the truth.Dont doubt Tavius I'm always right!(even when I'm not,but might makes right so I'm right!)But oh.. you don't know how right you are Theo.Cant even curse here.
Hmm good job for Li Wei.Having camaraderie and friendship among troops can multiply their power.Or in other words the Power of Friendship is strong.
"He...I..Hmm...sighs." Well that was somewhat disappointing even though I expected this result,i did want a lil bit more fight from him though. It seems only about half passed this little shindig,and 1/3 "won" their fight.Guess what Sword and Brownie bribe didn't work.This was kinda fun tho.
Nah, get in the ring lil bro.I at least believe in you! Surrender is for the weak!I don't cheer on the weak! ...Theo when he loses can you at least give my boy like a 40 in points?Shes clearly going to try to mollywop him.Ill give you a sword and a brownie as a bribe.