


I’m an avid reader!!! My husband writes too so YAY ME!

2020-11-14 JoinedUnited States

of reading


Read books

  • TheRainbowRam
    TheRainbowRam4 years ago

    So, I actually helped with this cover and I’m so excited to get to read it now!!! While there are minor grammatical issues I know the author will probably fix them as they find them. But aside from that I thoroughly enjoy the Realm of Ileria!! The author doesn’t go into TOO MUCH detail— you know like info dumping? It is just enough to make you curious and want to read more. Taka also isn’t a clueless heroine— innocent yes I can’t stand heroines who aren’t sure about what they want. SPOILER TALK!!!!! I thought Gaelan would be a ML but I’m not sure yet— I think it’s a contender with Motoyuki. Personally I wanna ship the fox love!! I wanna know more of Taka’s past too, so far the pacing is nice— not too slow and not like light speed. The world building is what I’m here for, as the author has been having Taka try and figure out what time she’s in— it’s almost like she’s in a jumble or as she calls it plagiarized version of earth LOL. I can’t wait for more!!! This seems to be a feel good happy romance with a touch of darkness that will HOPEFULLY (come on Kaede) be resolved. Poor Taka!

  • TheRainbowRam
    TheRainbowRam4 years ago

    I really enjoy Moto so far! Is he going to be teasing? I hope you like the artwork cover yay!!! It looks so good![img=recommend] there are a few grammatical mistakes but I’m sure you are catching them now.