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So basically what your saying is morgoth cursed Túrin separately from the curse placed on Húrin. Or are you saying that the curse placed on Húrin passed on to Túrin because the events happened differently and the curse placed on Húrin was never lifted by morgoth himself.
So basically because Túrin and his sister never got together Morgoth never released the curse from Húrin therefore the curse stayed upon the descendants of Húrin therefore making Túrin live that long.
I have some question like how is Túrin even still alive? He’s a human that was alive during the first age he’d be over 10,000 years old by this point. Not even numenoreans live that long and that’s only because they are descended from elf’s. He wouldn’t have even been alive when Tindomiel was born. Was he blessed by a valar or something?
Would you please differentiate when you change who’s point of view this is, like tell us who tf is thinking and speaking. I can’t tell if you are just making a lot of grammatical mistakes or it’s a different persons point of view
I like the story but her character is super cringe
That’s why you sue don’t ask them for money take them to court and force them to give you money, your not sueing your own insurance company your sueing the old man’s, unless you have the same insurance then yeah sue your own I guess. Your sueing them because they gave you a miserable amount not because they didn’t give you money
What did he do to make people want to get rid of him?
Why tho, I get that it’s the gods will he be exiled but it doesn’t explain why the king is exiling him, what did he do?
Bruh you should be sueing old man’s insurance company, they should be the ones paying for the damages, your insurance will only pay a little bit his insurance should be paying a lot