¿Por que Webnovel no me deja usar 'M' como apodo? This is bullshit XD
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Jack Reacher viene de una saga de libros? ... No lo sabia.
the city where the speedsters live is actually pretty good when Thawn is not at the time. The rouges dont kill, Flash is wholesome. its pretty good.
Bro the mother is literally dying.
He's kinda right, and is even worse if you're not a mutant.
He had a good point, but not a good focus, they should hit harder the one who kill thou. Well, they actually do some times.
Just in Raimi Universe. Average sandman is too may things, but not a killer.
LOL, eso en realidad es super util.
They're literally to lazy to work out. Even Sairoarg just had to do intensive exercises to surpass the 90% of his race.