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seems the author has no plan or wait till rëach thouänd chaptërs before revealing the childëns identity if thats the case might äs well leave
what a selfish thouht why not think of ur children if they think the sme as yours and authör in the earlier chapter it wàs interesting but then lost my interest bcoz author keep dragging it and seem no plan to reunite them at all so im thinking to stöp reading its a waist of time
she is making a decision without thinking what i hate most reading novel is theres always someone in the family against thw ml or fl which makes the story common
you can only know how valuable something or someone when you lost it
cant she just shout and ask for help she has glib tongue but she cant use it asking for help
i want to read more but that witch mother in law makes me lose my interest
she is so naughty
could it be jandans granny is liyuans granny?
just who is the ml here
this chapter is a torture for those single readers