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  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to StringLeap

    Lets say what your saying is true. Why is Goku so different from other saiyans? Is it because he was raised by humans? Now let me ask you this, what is Nathan? Nathan is a HUMAN reincarnated into a saiyan, and hes barely even had contact with any saiyans, besides maybe briefly. None of your points even makes sense. Saiyans have friends, and Nathan is a human inside of a saiyan body.

    Ch 33 The Talk
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • BankruptMonkee

    Nice Chapter, really glad things turned out alright, and that he cemented her love for her. Something i'd like to see is Nathan getting more male friends. So far his only actual friends are all female, with pretty much all the males he knows being coworkers, or people he only occasionally talks to.

    Ch 33 The Talk
    Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC)
    Anime & Comics · Draugzel
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to ADiablo123

    I conceed that would be a good combination. But im personally waiting for ice boy and lava girl.

    Ch 44 Naruto chapter 44:
    Naruto: Of Bone and Ice
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to ADiablo123

    Idk about that chief. Having two kekkai genkai is rare enough, but four? Naw I can't see that happening at all. Shikotsumyaku is supposed to be rare even among the Kaguya clan. I think that most likely the kid will get two at best. Or they will have multiple kids each with a seperate kekkai genkai? Also I feel like if he were to make one of his kids a jinchuuriki, I think that it would be best to spread the power out.

    Ch 44 Naruto chapter 44:
    Naruto: Of Bone and Ice
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to Alferian

    Plagiarism is one of the worst things an author can commit. Why would you defend that?

    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to BankruptMonkee

    I just don't understand why Ozpin would make a chesspiece specifically for Ray*

    Ch 21 Ch 20: The Emerald Forest (3)
    Slayer Chronicles: Book 1: RWBY
    Anime & Comics · TJ_Watkins
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to DragonkingKyo

    Also, it was never even proven if Hidan couldn't die from old age.

    Ch 45 45. Truth
    The Scion of Uzumaki clan (R)
    Anime & Comics · Spiritlord
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to DragonkingKyo

    Hidan literally sacrifices people to a blood thirsty god, and hidan had to use a forbidden jutsu that turned him into a freak made of hair. Why would tsunade do either of these things? Shes literally in her 50's by the time canon starts. You seem to forget that tsunade may look young for her age, but that is mostly due to a henge she keeps up. She most likely won't be hokage, and unless mc can use talk no jutsu on Tsunade, she will most likely end up continuing to be a drinker and gambler for the rest of her days.

    Ch 45 45. Truth
    The Scion of Uzumaki clan (R)
    Anime & Comics · Spiritlord
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to Kyosuke_Uchiha

    But yeah, I think continuing this would be pointless. Were justing going back and forth at this point. Goodluck with this novel death. And remember, I will be watching.

    Ch 11 I have a question
    A different SpiderMan in MCU AU
    Anime & Comics · Kyosuke_Uchiha
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to Kyosuke_Uchiha

    Another way of watching would be throwing him in a cell for the rest of his life.

    Ch 11 I have a question
    A different SpiderMan in MCU AU
    Anime & Comics · Kyosuke_Uchiha
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to Kyosuke_Uchiha

    And also, if that tidbit about therapy were true, than there would be no point in it, and true, therapy doesn't work for everyone. But saying that they wouldn't understand doesn't make sense to me. People who are Raped go to therapy, people who had traumatic experiences as a child go through therapy, and they come out fine. And im guessing those therapists haven't been through the same things as their patients. Honestly im arguing less against the novel, and more against what you said about therapy.

    Ch 11 I have a question
    A different SpiderMan in MCU AU
    Anime & Comics · Kyosuke_Uchiha
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to Kyosuke_Uchiha

    And thats the problem. Shield is fine with them using child soldiers. The avengers wouldn't be. This seems like just a thing that was tear apart the avengers. Either making the avengers go against shield, or making the avengers have nothing to do with shield. Natasha obviously wouldnt want to make another child become what she has become. Clint has a family that he loves. Captain america is literally the most moral person on the team. Bruce is a really nice guy. Thor probably wouldn't care, and Tony wouldn't side for the guys who use child soldiers. Im just saying, that this would be a perfect opportunity to have a big superhero battle. And if you don't, fine. I still like the novel, just putting in my own input.

    Ch 11 I have a question
    A different SpiderMan in MCU AU
    Anime & Comics · Kyosuke_Uchiha
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to Kyosuke_Uchiha

    Its called therapy. Im not saying that it will work, its just that if they atleast tried that it would make more sense. And whose to say that he wont commit mass homicide anyways? Its not like they couldnt also monitor him anyways. Back to the therapy part, I actually think therapy would work for him. Literally the only reason he didn't become insane was because he was in the mcu. I think it would help atleast a little bit.

    Ch 11 I have a question
    A different SpiderMan in MCU AU
    Anime & Comics · Kyosuke_Uchiha
  • BankruptMonkee

    I don't get how the avengers seem fine with a twelve year old joining shield. It doesn't matter if that twelve year old has killer people, hes been tortured and experimented on for most of his life by Hydra, with the time before that being spent in an orphanage. None of them are fighting for this boy to have a semi-normal life, with a family who cares about him? The youngest avenger was peter parker, and even then he was 15 and he wasn't in any actual danger of dying, and he was already a vigilante and even then, he didnt join shield. None of the heroes fighting in civil war would kill a teenager. And here they are, a child planning to take solo missions that no child should be doing. They aren't even treating him like a child soldier, its like they don't even care.

    Ch 11 I have a question
    A different SpiderMan in MCU AU
    Anime & Comics · Kyosuke_Uchiha
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to BookSpirit

    Hed definitely be able to defeat Orochimaru, but fighting him while protecting Kimimaro will be hard. Orochimaru is extremely hard to kill, and he has a ton of jutsus that will be hard to defend against. Think that snake pit jutsu he used against Naruto in shipuden. Hes also very speedy and maneuverable.

    Ch 33 Naruto chapter 33
    Naruto: Of Bone and Ice
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to Phil_Morris

    Being kage level and becoming kage is not the same thing. Gaara was not kage level at that point. Personally I think that by the time he fought Deidara, he was elite jonin, at most low kage.

    Ch 16 Chapter 16
    Naruto: Of Bone and Ice
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • BankruptMonkee

    Was that a reference to DmC?

    Ch 98 Chpater 98
    In MHA with Star Platinum
    Anime & Comics · blazuki
  • BankruptMonkee

    And nope. What was the point of doing the horror worlds anyways? If you wanted to make a jojo fanfic, than just do that. Was really looking forward to something unique, but its literally just a crack fic.

    Ch 12 Crashing
    Anime & Comics · Mans_Pgf
  • BankruptMonkee

    I still don't see a reason for him to be suspicious. Grimm are only known to sense negative emotion. Ren has a semblance that forces both himself, and anyone he touches to be calm, so calm in fact that grimm can't even sense you. This just seems like a slightly rare and powerful semlance. Again, I don't get the suspicion or a connection to grimm that should pretty much be an after thought. Even if he were suspiciois of her reply, of course no one wants to be compared to a grimm.

    Ch 25 Semblance
    RWBY: Grimm life
    Anime & Comics · ninjapanda
  • BankruptMonkee
    Replied to luffy1996

    You think neji could win against gaara? I don't think so. Sasuke didn't get chidori until after he got the curse mark AND he got training from kakashi. There is no way naruto was equal to sasuke at that time. Also, naruto barely used kurama's chakra, and it was only used to get his chakra working again.

    Ch 5 Chapter 5
    Naruto: Hokage's Legacy
    Anime & Comics · KakuzuCantolopes