of reading
Read books
Somewhat, but she won't be alone in doing so, but she will develop feelings of extremely despise them, same with others in Athena familia.
Are you alright?, It's been 3 months, and no update so far, do note, that I've only read this fic so far, the others are next, but with that being said. You haven't updated once a week, if you are still stockpiling chapters and ideas, then that's fine, let's talk about something else, whatever that you want, whether it's about Fic's, Anime, Games, Manga, Movie, or Questions, we don't mind one bit, just have fun.
I don't know if I'm late or not, but you should consider giving the Crow a name, and Gender.
By the way, the song: Ship in a Bottle Animatic, it fits well with this chapter, in my opinion anyways.
Wouldn't it be the Wrath of the Sea God, if he does learn it?
Well, I don't know if you thought of this, but you could add them being on the other side of Loki family recruitment day, and have them help out, especially since the 2 Amozon girls are there, maybe even Bete, if he join during this timeframe? Then have them help train new recruits, along with Finn and Elf and Dawrf, have them help more against Evulis group, etc. Also, if you haven't done this already, then I suggest creating a notebook in IRl, or something on your computer or phone, the list every Magic Card idea used in the fic so far, along with the abilities that affect Aiden Magic Card, in one section. Then every Magic Card idea you created, but haven't used in the fic yet, in a different section, then for the 3rd section, you can create a new page or chapter in this fic, and have us, your readers, suggest or create new Magic Card ideas, in which you can consider at your own leisure. And if you do accept the said card of choice, give a shout-out the person who came up with it, something like this would no doubt turn into a competition, on who will be given a shout-out during this opportunity during the story, and who will be next. Hopefully, this will help you, and make it fun for you and your readers. With that being said, I suggest reading if you haven't already: "Playing with the supernatural" on Webnovel, Kisuke and Yoruichi from Bleach are the Main Characters, in Highschool DXD, and them some how crossing over to Danmachi. And there are a lot of good ideas, and new take on how the Danmachi System works, maybe you might consider asking the Author, if you can use some of their ideas, or something, or maybe even come up with your own.
For Hermione, I read the many comments, and some of them aren't bad, like the one about Hermione being the to research and etc. In my opinion, you should just add her into the story, and then see where it goes, while toying with ideas on what she will do or think, and how she interact with the other characters, how her personality could change, and if you think it's worth it, then maybe she can join the harem.
Add Haku. As for Izumi, well, here's a idea, and it comes from read Female Itachi fics. You could make so that Fugaku trains Fem Itachi as a Man, or use Genjutsu or Seals, because Fugaku wanted a son for a Heir, before he say screw it, and just disowned both Mikoto and Itachi. Or, after finishing with his undercover work, Naruto decided to bring Itachi back home, but realized he couldn't just do that, and after some consideration, came up with a plan, Itachi will die, (a clone or something), while Itachi himself will have to change, after all can't go around looking like a dead man, and if he's not male, then that will further reduce being recognized as Itachi, (after all, who would have expected Itachi as a female.), And change Itachi female looks a bit more, so he doesn't look like a female version of himself, Itachi will change her name to Izumi, in honor of his past love, and if need be, a different last name. And besides, with how much He been pump into Itachi, I doubt Itachi will decline the idea, after all, all who's been infected with Naruto GS, will follow Naruto orders without question, since they are devoted followers of Naruto. Although, if you do decide to go down the route of Turing male Itachi into female Itachi, then you have a choice of Jutsu or Seals, or placing Itachi soul into a female body, or etc.
Hmm....., I've always had a idea, but first, let me get started on pointing out Konoha Police Force, otherwise known as the Uchiha Police Force. Ever since they been wipeout in Canon, I didn't see or hear about a police force in Konoha, (as far as I remember, I could be wrong.), And I have yet too notice any mention of a police force in Konoha in this fix. I read this in a fix somewhere, but I don't remember where, in any case, in KPF, you could add in members from the other Clans of Konoha, Retired Shinobi that's looking for work, and non clan shinobi's, with some in the KPF being experts on interrogation. (obviously the KPF can't torture people, and Konoha already have a Intterrorgation and torture department, so unless it's necessary, the KPF won't torture, besides, KPF is only there to help the citizens of Konoha, like stopping a drunken brawl, catching a thief, etc.) And here's the Root Idea, it's basically the Anbu version of the KPF, (and they don't need to wait for a search warrant.), but deals with in house problems, so they aren't sent on missions, instead, their job's is to invade Privatecy of the people or anyone really, but to be so stealthy about it, that no one knows they are doing so, especially during the Chuuni Exams, without causing a international or dimplomatic incidents. And they routinely gather information on every one in Konoha, in case of anyone planning to attack Konoha, if anyone is betraying Konoha, (like for example, a council member is found out selling information on Konoha to outside party, just so they line their pockets with money, or a Corupt Council member in general.) Basically, Root deals with domestic affairs in Konoha, while Anbu deals with domestic affairs in the Land of Fire, and all the other stuffs they do, Konoha no doubt have a Black Ops Division, that operate like Donzo Root Division, that causes problems in other countries and etc.
You have no idea how bad it gets with Sacred Gears, especially with LSG, here's a small sample of it. Webnovel Annihilation Maker DxD by Soul_Caliber