


I only write things that come to mind and also for fun or boredom.

2020-10-20 JoinedArgentina



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the madness of grey (rewrite).

The world is often viewed through a lens of duality—good and bad, black and white, darkness and light, yin and yang. It is a simplistic perspective, dividing everything into two distinct categories. But where do I fit into this dichotomy? I exist in the middle, in the grey area that bridges the extremes. I am the embodiment of neutrality, neither leaning towards the light nor succumbing to the darkness. I am the average, the ordinary, the good that maintains the balance. I find myself drawn to this unfamiliar world, intrigued by the interplay of evil and happiness, of hope and despair. It is within this world that I choose to embrace my true nature. I shall be the bringer of hopelessness, the embodiment of fear, and the extinguisher of that flickering flame of hope. In a world filled with light, I shall be the shadow that creeps in, casting doubt and spreading despair. I am the darkness that lurks in the hearts of those who dare to dream, the whisper that sows seeds of uncertainty. For I am the grey. In this world of heroes and villains I will be the real madness... --- N/A (ORIGINAL WORLD) this is, an "original" world, I want to make my own world, I want to do something different. In this novel, you will encounter monstrous characters, cosmic beings, and horror entities. Expect SCPs, creepypastas, games, anime, manga, comics, and novels. The rights to everything related to mangas, comics, novels, obviously go to their respective authors.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs