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  • Zazuu_Pitts

    OK! I am so sick of Beth can she please die now? She chased what she wanted to say she’s going to do it again she has no remorse she doesn’t care about Walmart neither do I she never did the ends justify the means to the bumped him off too so just kill her jeepers!

    Ch 371 Sisterhood- Part 2
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    Good book hard to find it was my first on the place I don’t really like Webnovel but this is the first book he wrote ash that I read and it was good it was different I like different everything’s the same nowadays. You wrote some thing using similar genre and yet all brand new that’s a As for The future I would use the book that I’m reading now that may or may not be done the Kings Obsession - to try to go in the movie you would have to either get a ghost screen writer but you would have to mean absolute control or they’re going to turn it into a slasher flick and that’s not what it’s about it’s more cerebral which is very Hitchcock and I like that and then this book I say it in reverse order because human beings a lot of them don’t get stuff and once they understand the rules and roles in your fantasy world this book could become a movie also still a no do not give up an ounce of control don’t do the movie you have to approach your agent you have An agent and an attorney but be your own manager and sign all your checks they are thieves I know this for fact. It’s something worth considering never ever ever sign away your artistic rights and be there for shooting that way you’re the one that can tell Na Ah and yeah end it may not get you kudos from a good Director there are good directors still these don’t take brilliant special effects there is a math kiss there’s Spielberg there’s several good big-time directors that you can solicit vis-à-vis an agent pick your Director carefully you need somebody Lucas and he doesn’t do much of it anymore this is not a genre but he’ he can Capture vision… Basically get an agent that rocks pay no more than 10 to 15% because it’s your first contract for your first movie and after that comes out and becomes a hit and then a cult classic you pull up pull it down to 10%. That’s if you wanted

    Young master Damien's pet
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    Something will happen and Mary will know Dash Mario needs to die but she’s got a protection so I would say that it Hass to be against demons and or angels one of the other she might be immune to Calhoun’s magic make a drainer Dash Lucy’s husband is a CAD a cheat a pig a dog he needs to die

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    I would really like to see the children this couple or quadruple pops out! Do you have Angel human vampire demon they need to be a very close knit family or fight a lot to death I don’t know isn’t it will be interesting to see what kind of a werewolf would pop out ha ha Ha

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    When they entered the chapel, Madeline couldn't help but remember what had happened the last time she was here with Calhoun. Her eyes darted to the pipe organ that stood at the front attached to the wall. This place still looked beautiful, light passed through the blue tinted window leaving the shadow of the window on the floor. 
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    Someone Hass to tell the story innuendos and little things that will help us guess who’s who and what’s what plus I bet he’ s a reader

    "It might be Mr. Barnes' men who must have come to kill James. He didn't want his daughter marrying a human, especially one that belonged to a low class." 
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    "You are not sorry for what you did," replied Raphael and Beth frowned, "Are you sorry for losing the man who promised you the world? Or are you sorry because you were unsuccessful in poisoning the King? Or is it that you wanted me dead as you didn't stop me from drinking it?" he asked in a calm voice. 
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    Replied to 4thGenLakerChef

    It’s so hard to be nice & sweet When you come from a family full of these:

    Lucy continued, "There were some things, which Calhoun understood that others didn't, and I started to care for him. Because you always care for things that are closer in relation. The King is one of the few people whom I care about and is my family. You should be able to imagine how I felt when I found out that someone tried to poison him." 
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    Replied to Zazuu_Pitts

    Point A Not .8 my talk to text really is a humbler

    Ch 337 Red Riding hood- Part 2
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    Replied to Sethu_123

    I don’t know, it’s getting close towards the ending act of the play – the bigger villains come out to play now and the big gist of the story starts to unfold – I always thought it was odd that Calhoun had feathers and not bat wings maybe he’s some kind of angel to all the really bad guy I don’t know his feathers throw me off

    Ch 337 Red Riding hood- Part 2
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    Sometimes You’re so bad you get what you deserve

    "Lady Catherine didn't die because of the werewolf but because of the arrow. By tomorrow morning, the news will spread across the land," said Theodore.
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    If you’re the wife of a cheating husband you have every right to kill said cheating husband and you shouldn’t have to sit behind bars like I am see picture below

    Samuel scoffed, his eyes that were red turned black. "Don't give me that bullshit. I know the fallen angels have ears and eyes on a lot of things. You told to keep an eye on the girl, but she's nothing but human." 
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    Samual has a

    Samuel scoffed, his eyes that were red turned black. "Don't give me that bullshit. I know the fallen angels have ears and eyes on a lot of things. You told to keep an eye on the girl, but she's nothing but human." 
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    Ch 319 Solace- Part 4
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    She felt Calhoun's finger move below her chin to have her turn her head to look at him. They stared at each other, and he leaned forward, licking the tear that slipped from her eye. 
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    Ch 296 Acceptance- Part 1
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    Replied to Gwynolabar

    And a big one-Ends in several deaths I bet I hope Rosamund gets gone all skanky ho

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    The timing is rather convenient unfortunately I don’t think he’s going to make it out of the dungeon vampires and werewolves don’t do dinner together

    Ch 251 Meddler- Part 3
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts

    I didn’t know people actually had the gall the unmitigated gall to complain to an author and stamp their feet wet ingrates! I have to say I apologize for the lot of them. I feel the ticked off and what you write but you do it politely which is way better than I would-I’m very verbal but I was born in the Navy learn how to cuss like a sailor and still do LOL I do like your writing though I wish I could buy it on Amazon - I’m a reader a big reader have been since I was at least two or three and I prefer books I read on here this phone because I like your stories. I hope I don’t go blind LOL

    'Belle Adams' Butler' is COMPLETE, which is why there is has been no update on it. I would like to ask my beloved readers to avoid leaving comments in haste without trying to find out why there's no update before blaming on things. The last chapter for the book is 426, which has a note written at the end for the next book in the series.
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17
  • Zazuu_Pitts
    Replied to daisy_louw_8905

    Ha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah seriously she’s gonna have a heart attack and passed out I need a marriage is it gonna last long but is your comment was very funny I appreciate it

    "And who do we have here to blame today?" he turned his head to the side in question, staring at her intensely. Madeline was lucky right now that he hadn't dragged her to the bed and pinned her down for the stunts she had pulled this evening. "You have nothing to be self-conscious about. Instead of waiting, we are going to do it bit by bit so that you don't faint during the night of our wedding. I do not look forward to you fainting in my arms," he said, his eyes narrowing at her. 
    The Crown's Obsession
    Fantasy · ash_knight17